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I just signed this petition from the #InternetArchive (@internetarchive) and hope you will too.…

Background from IA:
"We are disappointed in today’s opinion about the Internet Archive’s digital lending of books that are available electronically elsewhere. We are reviewing the court’s opinion and will continue to defend the rights of #libraries to own, lend, and preserve books."…

#Books #CDL #Petitions #Publishers

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to petersuber

Update. Here's the court opinion itself.…

Most notable to me:
* The court ruled against controlled digital lending (#CDL), not just the short-lived and less-controlled National Emergency Library (#NEL).
* The court found "market harm" to #publishers even tho pubs submitted no data on that harm.
* The court recognized the right of conventional lending by print #libraries but (IMHO) waffled when trying to square its rationale with that right.


This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to petersuber

Update. I recommend @mmasnick's good take on the ruling against the @internetarchive and #CDL.…

"What would you think if an author told you they would have written a book, but they wouldn’t bother because it would be available to be borrowed for free from a library? You’d probably think they were delusional. Yet that argument has now carried the day."

#Copyright #InternetArchive #Libraries

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to petersuber

Update. "[University] #libraries across the country, from Carnegie Mellon…to the U of California system, turned to what’s known as [#ControlledDigitalLending, #CDL] in 2020, which gave students a way to borrow books that weren’t otherwise available. Those programs are small in scale and largely experimental but part of a broader shift in modernizing the university library. But the appeals court ruling could upend those programs."…
