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Items tagged with: Academia

Update. "[University] #libraries across the country, from Carnegie Mellon…to the U of California system, turned to what’s known as [#ControlledDigitalLending, #CDL] in 2020, which gave students a way to borrow books that weren’t otherwise available. Those programs are small in scale and largely experimental but part of a broader shift in modernizing the university library. But the appeals court ruling could upend those programs."…


Part of studying and teaching means: organizing knowledge. Our apps help you do just that. For a relaxed start into the new term, we have a 40 percent discount for you, only until September 15th, 2024. #devonthink #devonagent #backtoschool #discount #students #educators #education #academia #pkm #pressrelease

Here's my advice on how to design your course to be more ADHD-friendly. Many of these tips will help students regardless of #ADHD diagnosis: scaffolding large projects and being abundantly consistent about instructions.

#Academia #UDL #HigherEd #AcademicChatter #DisabledInSTEM…

Howdy! New to this whole Mastodon thing (I'm not even sure what instance I should be on) but eager. Name's Bug — I'm a queer master's student in an entomology lab, passionate about scientific outreach.

When I’m not staring at insects, I spend my time creating zines, comics, other art, and playing D&D. I want to learn how to make video games. Let’s connect if you think little critters are cool!

#introductions #pixelart #zines #entomology #academia #comics #queer #insects

This issue was a tough one to publish, but I need you to know: If you're struggling in #academia, you are not alone. 🫶

Please share with anyone who needs to hear this.

I quit academia and I don't regret it at all.
In the post I am sharing why I am happier and feel like I am doing more for the scientific community outside of academia.

#academiclife #openscience #academicchatter #ichbinhanna…

Hello #Mastodon, if you know a Black woman student (HS/College/Graduate School) or early career, I am going need you to lend me your ears.

The Sadie Collective, a nonprofit bringing resources and community to Black women in quantitive and social science fields, is award $6000 AWARDS and all expense paid trips to their annual conference.

As someone who participated in this inaugural program, PLEASE PLEASE share widely. #econtwitter #economics #sociology #science #academia #academic