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in reply to LibreOffice

Oui c'est très bien, mais malheureusement il n'y a toujours pas la possibilité d'utiliser les champs de publipostage dans l'éditeur de QR codes.
in reply to LibreOffice

I would love to see #LibreOffice include US postal coding for addresses (the coding just above the mailing address). I know there are some add-on that do this, but they have not worked for me in my experience.
in reply to LibreOffice

Nice. In comparison to #scibus, i like the margin. I hope scribus will implement the margin soon too.
in reply to LibreOffice


That's cool!

If you want something lighter, you can use the barcode plugin with #TiddlyWiki to generate barcodes right in your browser!
The bar code plugin is already installed on the demo page at

There's also the ability to read-in bar codes from your camera. (To be honest, I haven't tried this yet).

in reply to LibreOffice

now if only it could use custom fields in the source… 🤔
in reply to LibreOffice

It might be useful to mention that "barcode" produces a Code128 barcode, rather than any other type.
in reply to LibreOffice

Ooooh! I didn't know. I always imported them through @inkscape (that has also a generator)


in reply to LibreOffice

Apologies for nit-picking, but your help page says the menu choice is "OLE Object" when it is in fact just "Object".
in reply to John M. Gamble

@jgamble It says "OLE Object" here (LibreOffice 24.2). What version are you using, on what operating system?
in reply to LibreOffice

Latest LMDE, latest or nearly so Libreoffice (it's Saturday morning my time, I am not turning on the computer for a while).

I have to ask: why on Earth would LO choose to add the adjective "OLE"? It adds no useful information (even for Windows users) and merely clutters up the menu list.

in reply to LibreOffice

No, I didn't know that, but I know which Youtube video id starts with dQw4w 😄
in reply to LibreOffice

That's great. If it's not made readily available and easily discoverable, it's not useful though.
in reply to LibreOffice

Yes, but it can't generate QR codes from the contents of cells in Calc. That's a missed chance.
in reply to ⅇⅆⅈ

@edi Not a missed chance – an opportunity for someone to add it! We do all we can, but we're a volunteer-driven project with very limited resources. If you'd like that extra feature, please help us to implement it 😊…
in reply to LibreOffice

Yes, and it has saved my ass on more than one occasion! I was so happy to not have to install some potentially sketchy barcode software.


in reply to LibreOffice

is it possible on calc to generate dynamically a QR code based on another cell?
cell A1: identifier
cell A5: another identifier
cell A8: QR code of: text from A1 ";" text from A5
in reply to Albirew

@Albirew Not yet! You could submit it as an enhancement request here: – But of course, we're a volunteer-driven project with very limited resources. To get a new feature more quickly, you can consider helping our volunteers, or funding a developer. Thank you ☺️👍