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Our next big release will be #LibreOffice 24.2, in February 2024! (We're moving to a "year.month" version scheme, to make it more clear when the software was released.) And the first Alpha development build is now available for testing:… #foss #opensource
in reply to OhWeh 🀍 #RIPNatenom πŸ’”

@OhWeh Thanks! We know it's not to everyone's taste, but we think it makes a lot more sense for the vast majority of end users.
in reply to LibreOffice


What will happen, if the release would be delayed?

And you already know about my opinion regarding this "version number" change... ;-)

in reply to OhWeh 🀍 #RIPNatenom πŸ’”

@OhWeh @nick Yes, 24.4. The version number will show the year and month the software was released, which is what a lot of our end-users have asked for.
in reply to LibreOffice

It is so good to see it is a bugfix release, and not a release date...
Who cares how recent it was released? I know probably a lot of users, maybe majority. I don't have a clue. I'm a Mastodon user, a FOSS user, so clearly I'm not a regular person lol

Semantic version for the win! ;)
