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A friend of mine, also blind and a very advanced user, tried to send me a Zoom meeting invitation with a Mac. Here's what happened:
1. Instead of a meeting at 4 pm the meeting was set to last from 8 PM previous day to 4 PM next day;
2. the appointment location contained only this: "[Name Redacted] is inviting you to a Zoom meeting.";
3. The appointment body was totally empty, so no Zoom link was available.
That's all you need to know about #Accessibility and usability of a Mac with #VoiceOver.
To prevent a holy war of devoted Mac fans, I am not telling you this is completely impossible. I'm just telling you that on Windows it's a breeze for a blind user and I even don't know how to achieve such messy results here.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to André Polykanine

I've scheduled a bunch of Zoom meetings with Mac OS over the years, really wonder how this person went about it cause unless Zoom changed something recently it really shouldn’t be that hard with VO. I wonder if the crazy amount of hate VO on Mac gets is because of people coming from Windows expecting it to behave the same? Been using Mac OS for about 15 years at this point and just don’t have many of the problems I see a lot of people complaining about.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)