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So if my wife ever needed a miracle now would be the time. The pain from the leukemia is growing worse and worse. And it looks like she is headed for hospice very soon. Her blood counts are not rising as quickly as everyone would’ve liked. Which is what they used to determined after each cycle if the chemo is still working or not. The chemo is keeping her alive. They call it maintenance chemo. She has acute my leukemia with a TP 53 mutation. Basically it makes the type of leukemia extremely difficult to treat and almost impossible to eradicate. A bone marrow transplant is out of the question, Since the doctors are 99% sure it would kill her. Also, her heart cannot handle more toxic forms of chemotherapy. I am asking everybody to pray for my wife. So for those of you who believe in the power of prayer, please share this. I am not a very religious person, I don’t go to church every Sunday, but I am a very spiritual person.#Health #Healing #Medicine #Prayer #Hope #God #Jesus #Christian.#Fediverse #Leukemia #Cancer
in reply to Firefly85

William, please know that I will pray and offer for the health of your wife. I only wish that I could do more. God love you.
in reply to Firefly85

So I would like to thank everybody for their prayers during this whole ordeal. We went to see her oncologist on Monday and our fears were confirmed. The chemo has stopped working, and the cancer has multiplied. She will be signing up for hospice soon. At least she will be able to eat comfortable in her own home. Due to people having to come in and out, like nurses, etc., we have decided to rehome our Chihuahua Noah. The only silver lining to this cloud, is I will be able to visit him on a regular basis when I move back up to New Hampshire, and I will eventually be able to get him back permanently if I want Once I get my own place. I will be living with my best friend for about a year or two. I don’t know how I’m going to move on. Part of me doesn’t want to. Part of me just wants to stay in the apartment where I’m at, and live in her memory.
in reply to Firefly85

Don't plan too far ahead. Take one day at a time and suck the most out of each one you've got with your partner. Worry about what comes next closer to when that time comes.