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An idea for anyone with the time and energy required to moderate anything, here it goes: a blog open to anybody to post guest entries where blind users can post about everyday things achieved using tech. I imagine everything going there: somebody reading the screen of a washing machine using OCR or LLM's, somebody trying to teach others a folk song in a foreign language by jotting the lyrics down in a notepad app on an Android smartphone which crashed due to a bug; trying and succeeding or failing to book train tickets... you get the idea. Make it variet, make it international, make it interesting, modern or retrospective. Goals: 1. To motivate each other and show what is possible and what still needs solutions; 2. To evaluate which of the many technologies flowing through the market actually ended up being used and for what purpose; 3. To create an archive not just of what was available in the past but what was actually in use by people; 4. Perhaps to showcase to the wider audiences that Accessibility is not just a dull requirement to satisfy and actually helps end-users. Any takers? #Accessibility #Blind

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

I tried doing something like this back in the day, though more of a wiki format, and got very few contributions. Still, if there were interest I could easily set somthing up.
in reply to modulux

@modulux Sad to hear that. Low interest in contributing is something that was brought up when I put the idea through some friends in Poland. My ideas here are: to allow for short form: a couple of sentences, more of a social media post format and bundling those together like testimonies in a joined thread; also the most obvious of things: write a couple of stories yourself to show potential writers where to go.
in reply to modulux

@modulux I don't find these strategies bullet-proof either. It's just something I thought of.