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The accessibility for the blind: day 20 - Spain
Today let's go to Spain where a system allowing the blind to control elevators using a smartphone app has been developed.
The way it works is by detecting a Bluetooth beacon near a supported elevator using the dedicated app and calling the elevator almost as if we pressed the physical button. We can then choose the floor where we want to go and, once we board the elevator, notify the app about it and wait until we reach the destination. We will be notified about the arrival through a notification in the app. The developers have even thought of Siri support so you can set shortcuts for favourite elevator +floor combinations. The solution is presented within the following session of the Zeroconf conference in Vienna:…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #BuildEnvironment #Spain

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

The accessibility for the blind: day 20 - Spain
I've honestly never heard of this thing in my life. If it's a thing, ONCE (the all-encompassing blind organization) is not making a big deal out of it at all, and no-one else seems to be either. Sounds cool though.
A more widely used example for something in Spain may have been Navilens (our QR-like system for easily scannable labels that we use on the Barcelona subway) or Ciberpass (the on-demand traffic light system).
in reply to Guillem Leon

The accessibility for the blind: day 20 - Spain
@guilevi Thanks for the heads up. I thought it might be a pilot, the way it was presented, I also heard about it being tested somewhere in Germany. I saw it, however, being added to the Spanish accessible apps directory so thought somebody was actually using it. Where can I read more about Ciberpass?
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

The accessibility for the blind: day 20 - Spain
Looks like the newest iteration is called Pasblue. This is all in Spanish, but machine translation should be decent enough. Let me know if you need any clarification.…