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Writing my post about Vienna yesterday, I have completely forgotten that the #Warsaw underground have also made all of their announcements publicly available. Those are read by the late Tomasz Knapik, one of the most famous voice-over voices of the Polish movie scene. Explanation: before 1989, the available movies of the West were sparse in Poland and so it was cheaper to employ a voice-over i.e. one person reading all of the dialogue in Polish dubbed over the original audio track in whatever language a given movie came in. The tradition has stuck and now most of us wouldn't imagine it any other way. #Accessibility #Blind #PublicTransport
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

Oh this explains a lot. I flicked through the different audio tracks while watching Sense8 and noticed the Polish one was like this. It just seemed so odd and couldn't work out why it was like that.