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Alright, here's a response article to @martijnbraam's "Developers are lazy, thus Flatpak". I'll be addressing some of their claims by explaining why some of the design decisions make sense the way they are.

Edit: should there be a response article to mine, I'll respond it here (unless it doesn't address any of my points).

#Flatpak #Linux #FOSS #OpenSource

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to TheEvilSkeleton

When I see the mess that are distro packages. For example on Fedora Exiv2 is build with BMFF off which mean that some camera format are not supported... so it breaks my app. (I could also say why that kind of option is wrong too)

The codec mess is another.

Or Debian improperly building poppler.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub let's not forget distros that try to package Bottles or OBS Studio just for the sake of it
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to TheEvilSkeleton

I can tell you the story of Debian package the developer version of AbiWord in a release, the packager telling me off (I'm still upstream) and U***tu telling me they DGAF because it's in Universe.

That's why AbiWord was my first submission.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

re: poppler. I have to correct myself. This was fixed in 2020. A few month after I reported it. But the U***tu LTS prior to this likely not.