Items tagged with: NoonScrolling
Excellent. Here's a similar story.
Where my partner grew up, there isn't exactly an abundance of money, education for disabled people, positive attitudes about it, and so on. She had a student who had gone blind very late in life, and all their family could afford was a cheap Chromebook.
Now: You and I know that ChromeVox is an objectively bad screen reader in many ways, and would struggle to use ChromeOS as a daily driver. Nevertheless, within a very short period of time, he was keeping up with the news, streaming music, and listening to audiobooks. The joy when he would turn up for a lesson and say something like, "I want to show you this piece of music or video I found," rather than "I couldn't do X this week," was quite infectious.
He's now consistently scaring the crap out of all the ableist folks in the town by refusing to stay at home, walking everywhere, and generally not giving a fuck.
Not sure if this counts as #NoonScrolling given that I wrote it, but it is only 4 PM.
So I wanna start a thing. I call it #NoonScrolling.
In your time zone between the hours of noon and 5 PM, find only the best, funniest, lighthearted articles, videos of sneezing cats or whatever ridiculous thing cheers you up a little.
Gloom scrolling and doom scrolling is all we seem to be able to do lately, and it's not good for our psyche, so time to change up the narrative I say.
Leave the extremely ill-mannered manchild behind, leave politics behind, leave the wars behind, just for a little while, and since it's gotta be noon hours somewhere in the world, if it kicks off, this hash-tag could be something like a glorified happy RSS feed you don't have to look too hard to find.
My hope is, that it brings you some enjoyment.
I can't start with my first article yet because it's 04:37 as I post this.
The other, darker side of my idea is just one character different, and that's #MoonScrolling.
The darker, less savory side of life.
I've no idea if this is silly or not, you decide.