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Items tagged with: CRA

A near-final draft of the #CRA #standards request has been published by the @EU_Commission and it includes a very encouraging requirement that the standards organisations consult with the #OpenSource community - and prove they've done so.…

[swe] EU Cyber Resilience Act är på gång och vi har fått tillgång till den nya versionen efter förra årets förhandlingar mellan komissionen, parlamentet och rådet. På torsdag kör vi Dataföreningen ett gratis lunchseminarie där vi diskuterar CRA - senaste uppdateringarna, vad säger Open Source-grupperna och vad gäller för tillverkare av digitala produkter?

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I'm still concerned but the Python Software Foundation's post about the #EU's Cyber Resilience Act (#CRA) makes me optimistic that it could work for #FreeSoftware. I do agree with the core idea that #commercial #software companies should be held more accountable than they currently are. The key is getting it just right so that anyone can write whatever free software they feel like writing, and share it on the internet, without having to get a lawyer first.…

New post! The EU Cyber Resilience Act is now (almost) final, but what does it ACTUALLY mean for open source? It is mostly good news, and there are real opportunities to use the #CRA to our advantage:…