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Items tagged with: error

Just rebooted and I’m up and running with Fedora Silverblue 40.

(Just tried reinstalling mozilla-openh264 – so videos work in Firefox – but it failed with the same error. Not a big deal, I’m using @Vivaldi as my main browser these days anyway and I guess the Fedora folks will fix this in time.)

More importantly, I wonder if the screen reader has been fixed yet. (Yes, Fedora ships with a broken screen reader.)

#Fedora #fedora40 #Silverblue #upgrade #mozilla #OpenH264 #rpmOstree #error #a11y

Note that I just encountered the following issue:…

Which I worked around by removing mozilla-openh264 before running the rebase again, at which point it succeeded:

rpm-ostree remove mozilla-openh264

#Fedora #fedora40 #Silverblue #upgrade #mozilla #OpenH264 #rpmOstree #error

Winstaller (Version 2.80 Beta 21) closes at initialization

This happens when launching the latest Winstaller beta; you launch it and then after seeming to check for updates and initialize, the program simply closes.

Hallo !Friendica Support
wenn ich auf eine Benachrichtigung klicke und der Beitrag nicht gefunden wurde, bekomme ich folgende Meldung?

Dies kann doch nicht normal sein oder?

#error #noentry