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Items tagged with: Thoughts

What if Mastodon had a way to save the ALT text you entered each time you used a new image. So if you used the same image later, it would some how know what you used the last time and give you the option to automatically use that instead of having to type something each and every time.

Seems to me there would be some way to be able to do this easily and to save all of us time from having to type the same thing for ALT text on a regular basis.

#Idea #Thoughts #AltText #Accessibility

Одним из больших откровений в записи звука гитары для меня в своё время стало осознание того факта, что если гитара вне микса звучит как понос - это нормально.

#sound #guitar #music #log #thoughts #recording #mixing

I’m at the point where I’m wondering if choosing Svelte for NodeKit is a design error in terms of cultural fit and goals. (They want to be the “serverless” framework for Big Tech. I feel like I’m hitting my head against a wall whenever I want to adapt anything for small web use because it’s all geared towards corporate web use.)

Anyone here played with htmx and hyperscript? Any experience with the community?

#htmx #hyperscript #thoughts