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Items tagged with: MiniGUADEC

The first Berlin Mini #GUADEC talk is now online. Watch @tbernard, @jimmac and @allanday talk about cool things happening in GNOME design. :ablobfoxbongo:

I will upload the other Berlin #MiniGUADEC #BerlinMiniGUADEC talks will follow during the next couple of days. Ping me otherwise lol :blobcatpusheen:…

We have a venue for Berlin Mini GUADEC in July! Join us July 19-24 at Regenbogenfabrik in Kreuzberg 🌈🏭

If you're coming from outside Berlin and need accommodation, there's still a few spots at the Regenbogenfabrik Hostel. Book them while you can :)

More details in the blog post:…

#guadec #miniguadec #gnome #berlin

WeeklyBeats track to finish off the #miniguadec video.…