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Items tagged with: Berlin

New on // The #Matrix #Conference by The Foundation on 19-22 September 2024 in Mitosis LAB in #Berlin, #Germany…

Call for participation is running until 26.06.2024


#TheMatrixConference #foss #floss #freesoftware #opensource #events #europe

Das Internet besser, fairer und freier machen?
Vortrag von Stefan Mey

Wann: 06.06.2024 um 18:00 Uhr
Wo: Helene-Nathan-Bibliothek
Karl-Marx-Straße 66
12043 Berlin

#berlin #neukoelln

Does anyone know a good online expat community in Berlin who can support with immigration advice?


In #Berlin dürfen Eltern gerade je nach Schule ihre Kinder nur von dort abholen, wenn sie mit dem Auto kommen. Bestimmt weil der grobe Pollenfilter die giftigen Gase filtert oder so 🤦‍♂️

"Mehrere Schulen im Gefahrengebiet, darunter die Schule Königin Luise-Stiftung in Dahlem und die Athene-Grundschule in Lichterfelde, haben mitgeteilt, dass Schüler die Schulgebäude momentan nicht verlassen dürfen. Alle Kinder bleiben in den Gebäuden und die Fenster verschlossen. Die Kinder dürfen nur gehen, wenn sie mit dem Auto abgeholt werden, ansonsten müssen sie in der Schule übernachten."

#Autoland @SheDrivesMobility…

#XMPP Community

#Sprint in #Berlin from Fr, 12th - Sun, 14th July 2024.
Several days of fruitful exchange and projects around XMPP!

Read more and kindly list yourself:…

:xmpp: :xmpp: :xmpp:

#jabber #standards #interoperability #federation #chat #decentralization

You don't need a new computer for up-to-date software ... just the right software!

Come to #Umweltfestival 2024 in #Berlin to learn about the role of independent #FreeSoftware in the sustainable use of hardware.

🗓️ Sunday 28 April, 11-19h
📍 Straße des 17. Juni (Brandenburg Gate)

#KDEEco together with #FSFE (@fsfe) and Bits & Bäume (@bitsundbaeume_berlin) will be there! Some in the #GNOME and #postmarketOS community may be joining as well :)


#KDE #BMUV #UBA #GermanEnvAgency #OpenSource


We're celebrating the release of GNOME 46 at @offline with hacking, talks, and food! Join us from 15:00 onwards :)

#gnome #gnome46 #berlin

Du brauchst keine App. Auf der Webseite findest sogar mehr Informationen. Siehe Screenshots.…

Bilder sind noch selten aber kannst ja noch welche hinzufügen. Hilft den nächsten Klassenfahrten.
#Klassenfahrt #Berlin #MapComplete

Not only to reduce carbon emissions and save developers in central Europe from having to fly to the US for the @gnome #GUADEC this summer, we organize a "Mini Guadec" in #Berlin and now found a venue in the #Regenbogenfabrik including its own hostel:…

Looking forward!
More infos to come.

#Digital #Sustainability #Gnome

We have a venue for Berlin Mini GUADEC in July! Join us July 19-24 at Regenbogenfabrik in Kreuzberg 🌈🏭

If you're coming from outside Berlin and need accommodation, there's still a few spots at the Regenbogenfabrik Hostel. Book them while you can :)

More details in the blog post:…

#guadec #miniguadec #gnome #berlin

By popular demand we're moving the GNOME 46 Berlin release party by one week, to Saturday April 6th and Sunday 7th.

Everything else remains the same, we're still going to do hacking, cooking, and talks at @offline on Saturday and more focused hacking on Sunday :)

#gnome #gnome46 #berlin

Announcing the program for the GNOME release party on March 30+31 🥳️

On Saturday we're trying something different from previous editions with cooking, talks, etc. It will be a bit of an experiment, but I think it's going to be a lot of fun 🧑‍🍳️🍲️🥕️

To make up for it we're meeting on Sunday specifically for hacking though :)

If you already know you're coming please add your name to the list on the Hedgedoc:…

Edit: The event has been moved to April 6+7

#gnome #gnome46 #berlin

Happy International Women's Day ✊ ♀️

> IWD gives focus to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.…

It's a public holiday in #Berlin

The GNOME 46 release is coming up, and so is our Berlin release party!

Come join us on March 30th at @offline in Neukölln for hacking, talks, and all-around celebration of the new release 🥳

More details coming soon!

#gnome #gnome46 #berlin

Just realized one of my favorite place is the perfect Fediverse IRL café

• Lofi hip hop music
• Multicultural
• Random mismatched furniture
• A copy of “Das Kapital” on display
• Library with free to take books
• Gender neutral bathroom
• "Barista antifascista" stickers

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Berlin

If you're in Europe and would like to attend GUADEC this year but don't want to fly to the US, don't fret: Everyone's favorite Berlin Mini GUADEC is back!…

You can already sign up by adding your name to this Hedgedoc:…

#gnome #guadec #berlin


Let's build native apps that work offline but can sync when you have a network connection! The GNOME Berlin crew is teaming up with @p2panda for a workshop to explore the technology together and work on prototypes.

To avoid having to download and install SDKs at the workshop set up your computer in advance:…

📍️ Where? Offline, Lichtenraderstr. 49 (Berlin)

🕕️ When? Monday Nov 20th, 18:00

#gnome2panda #localfirst #p2panda #gnome #berlin

Reminder: The Local-First workshop we're organizing with @p2panda is next Monday! Come learn how to build native apps that work offline *and* sync between computers 🌈

To avoid having to download and install SDKs at the workshop set up your computer in advance:…

If you're joining let me know your Matrix ID and I'll invite you to the Matrix room :)

📍️ Where? Offline, Lichtenraderstr. 49 (Berlin)

🕕️ When? Monday November 20th, 18:00

#gnome #localFirst #berlin

#XMPP Events

XMPP Meet-up Berlin

@mattj talks about "Spam, Abuse and Moderation"

Wed, 2023-11-08 18:00 CET
#xHain hack+makespace
Grünberger Str. 16, 10243 #Berlin…

#Jabber #chat #community #meetup #community #spam #abuse #moderation #interoperability #standards #federation

#XMPP Events

XMPP Meet-up Berlin

hrxi talks about "Dino on #Windows"

Wed, 2023-10-11 18:00 CEST
#xHain hack+makespace
Grünberger Str. 16, 10243 #Berlin…

#jabber #chat #interoperability #standards #federation #decentralization

The Nextcloud Conference is coming! 😎

No matter if you are a Nextcloud developer, translator, document writer, user,... This is the place to be to exchange your idea with like-minded people and get inspired.

I will be there! Will you join the conference as well?…

#Nextcloud #Berlin

That's big news! Wow!

Btw. for the poor souls, who missed the talk by @nicoco at the #Berlin #XMPP #Meetup, here are the slides:…


#AudioMo: I love me a good natural reverb. When I was in #Berlin, my friend Carl showed me an underpass that has some of the best natural reverb I've personally ever experienced. Welcome to this recording of #Treptower Park Underpass, Berlin, recorded with Sennheiser Ambeos on June17 2018.

#FreeSoftware developer? Looking to measure the #energy consumption of your software in a dedicated lab? Can't make the trip to #Berlin to do so?

Karanjot Singh is working to change that!

This summer remote access to the #KDAB measurement lab will become a reality. Read more at the #KDEEco blog:

"#KEcoLab: Remote Energy Measurement Lab"…


#KDE #FEEP #BE4FOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #Sustainability #SustainableSoftware #GreenSoftware #SustainableComputing

Drinking water shortage world wide.
#Berlin: Hold my beer!

Der kürzlich verstorbene Sportreporter Heinz-Florian Oertel gestaltete übrigens im DDR-Rundfunk auch Unterhaltungssendungen, darunter eine Reihe die sich "alles, was #Berlin heißt" nannte. Die MAZ hat dann auch prompt eine dieser Sendungen aus dem Dezember 1960 aufgestöbert, in welcher live aus dem Ort #Berlinchen bei #Wittstock/Dosse berichtet wurde, nur wenige Kilometer von mir entfernt. Herrlich skurrile Rundfunkgeschichte! 😁… #DDR #Ostalgie #Radio

Remember this? A simple, creative way to make the really important point about the need for child-safe, all-ages & abilities PROTECTED bike-paths. Paint isn’t safe infrastructure, any more than stuffed animals are — if you wouldn’t let your kids ride in it, it isn’t safe, Period. #Berlin via @umwerfer.

#LetKidsBike #Urbanism #BikeLanes #Cities #transportation #bikes #cars #city #kids #car

+++ Jobs +++ Jobs +++ Jobs +++ Jobs +++

In unserem Jobportal sind derzeit wieder einige aktuelle Ausschreibungen online. Ein Blick auf die ausgeschriebenen Jobs lohnt sich: 🚀…

Wir haben sowohl offene Stellen für Studentinnen und Studenten, als auch für Absolventinnen und Absolventen. 🙂 Kommt zu uns ins Team, wir freuen uns auf Eure Bewerbung!


Look at this page:…

This is a great example of how far we're still away from actual inclusion. 🤦‍♀️

It's about "inclusive" school in Berlin. At the top is a big image - an image that doesn't even have proper alt text, but the alt text only names the image source.

The picture shows three kids (maybe about 8 years old) in a classroom, all busy writing something.
The two kids in the back are a white girl and a white(?) boy. That boy is sitting on a chair that is too low for him respectively at a table that is too high, which already makes this image a shitty example for inclusion. Can someone please take care of this kid's needs?

The kid in the front is black and sits in a wheelchair. Because, right, the only way to represent disabled people that non-disabled people can think of is a wheelchair. 🤷‍♂️
Very obviously though, this is not the boy's own wheelchair (at least that's what I hope for him 😉), as it is not customized in any way, but just some very generic wheelchair model.

So I guess, the photographer was like "Hey kids, we need a picture that represents diversity, can one of you please sit in this wheelchair? Oh yeah, you over there, black AND in a wheelchair, that's perfect!!"

This page is so symptomatic of how people "mean well" but fuck it up completely. 🙄

#Disability #Behinderung #Inklusion #Berlin #Fremdschämen

Mainly #German #podcast:
Each Friday an interview recording of the #MatrixCommunitySummit #Berlin 2022 will be released. The event took place in August. We interviewed a total of 8 #Matrix community members.

This week, you can hear from Alex and Valentin. We talked about the summit, what went well and what activities to add next time.


RSS feed:…

If you don't speak German, stay tuned for English episodes in some of the following weeks.

Getting ready for the first #TechTalks at the #COOLdays in #Berlin. Meet the team and hear about the latest developments in #CollaboraOnline. 👍

Meet us at the 🌩️…

#cool_dev #Collabora #opensource #foss #LOtech

#XMPP Events

Jabber/XMPP #Hack Night in #Berlin:

We will hack on Jabber/XMPP software (@dino, @kaidan, sms4you). Join us and hack on your favourite Jabber/XMPP project!

Wed, 2022-09-14 18:00 CEST in xHain hack+makespace, Grünberger Str. 16, 10243 Berlin…

#jabber #xhain #sms