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Items tagged with: RustLanguage

let four_cats: Vec<(Cat, Color)> = vec![rand::random::(Cat, Color); 4];<br>let cats = [vec![rand::random::(Cat, Color); 2], four_cats.clone(), four_cats, vec![rand::random::(Cat, Color)]].into_iter().flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>();<br>

Ahhh, this one was tricky šŸ˜…



#cat #CatsOfMastodon #rust #RustLanguage #RustLang #RustCataStructures

Sent out invitations to those on the waiting list for my free #RustLanguage basics course for #FOSS developers. Let me know if you'd like to be on the waiting list, too.

Next courses are in a week, on Sunday. One in the European morning, and a separate one in the European evening.

Let me know if you'd like to join either. Instructions on the web page.

(Boosts welcome.)

Do you write code for free and open source projects? Would you like to learn the basics of the Rust programming language? Iā€™m offering to teach the basics of Rust to free and open source software programmers, for free.

#Rust #RustLanguage #FOSS #Training
