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Items tagged with: AirBnB

Protect your info online folks and don't expect much from AirBnB if you get a fraudulent charge from them on your card!

I recently saw an AirBnB purchase on my credit card. I did not make it. $CAD466 for a reservation in London. I have never even had my CC connected to AirBNB and my account is secure. It was obviously made by someone who got my CC info.

I saw it a couple days after the transaction but it was still pending on my statement. So I called my bank (VanCity) and they asked all the right questions, removed the "token" for AirBNB so other transactions couldn't be made, and encouraged me to contact ABNB, screenshot any communications, and try to get them to reverse the transaction.

I had three conversations with ABNB. The first, text chat, I explained the situation, they were receptive but it ended without any resolution.

After waiting a few hours for a response, I called ABNB for another conversation. This one ended with them agreeing, verbally, to refund the amount in 24-48hrs.

However, immediately after the end of that conversation, they sent an email, attached here, where they argued, without evidence, and despite the fact the support person said it was someone in Montreal named James, (I know no one in Montreal named James!) that the most likely explanation was that it was a friend or family
member. 😡 They would not refund.

After I sent a spirited reply demanding evidence they said they would only give it under supeona or a police investigation!! 🤯 (full text in image alt)

So ya hey AirBnB: Suck it.

I have gone back to my bank to have the number deactivated and put in a charge dispute. It could take up to 3 months for the charge to be refunded!
#Privacy #Fraud #AirBnB #CreditCards #VanCity
