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Items tagged with: CrowdStrike

I used "crowdstrike" as a verb at work today, to paraphrase: "CI is broken because github crowdstruck us with a bad rust compiler update". AKA: usable any time an automatic update from a vendor breaks your infrastructure.

All I'm saying is, if they didn't want this neologism, they shouldn't have ruined my flight home from Italy.


Uh, probably none hazarding a guess as it's Apple Park. As a matter of fact, I've just been listening to Dave Plummer talking about how the #Crowdstrike outage was caused. And it was a very very interesting listen even to me who is technical, but not that technical. He explained it in the technical way, then how it would make sense.

How many machines at Apple Park were affected by #Crowdstrike do you think? Haha

I agree with everything Scott Hanselman writes in this post.…

#crowdstrike #microsoft #dei #softwaredevelopment

I thought being a programmer was a waste of effort, a thankless job that would never make a difference.

Then #CrowdStrike showed me that with a single line of code, I can make the world a better place.



Channel 4 News, in talking about today's #Microsoft #CrowdStrike fuckup, stated that the expected Y2K effect was imaginary.

No! No! NO!

We* did a massive amount of work to update and ensure systems would keep on working. And more importantly WE TESTED EVERYTHING FULLY BEFORE GOING LIVE.

(* As in everyone responsable for operating computer systems around the world!)

This demonstrates a thing that I’m sure serious security pros (and their adversaries) have long known: These Windows security products are a highly attractive attack surface for serious professional Bad Guys. They run in God mode and are typically purchased by IT-management types via the “enterprise software sales” process. (Think: golf.)

I wonder how many of them are already deeply compromised? I am certain that the number is not zero.
#Crowdstrike #Windows #infosec

While not exactly the same, remember that what is happening with #CrowdStrike could also easily happen with kernel level #anticheat software. Giving proprietary software vendors permission to insert whatever they please into your kernel, especially with the ability to auto update it, means giving up all control of your system to that software vendor. One day CrowdStrike, the next Riot Vanguard. Don't let this garbage into your system! A game is not worth losing your system or your data over.

Hey fellow #Linux users, despite the #CrowdStrike problem only affecting #Windows, this is not a windows problem.

This is an "automatic update that got forced onto everyone with insufficient testing while also having way too many permissions" problem.

If you think big corps wouldn't run something similar on Linux, I have a an NFT of a bridge to sell you.

A #crowdstrike update can travel halfway around the world while an APT is putting on its shoes

Make no mistake, if an outage similar to Crowdstrike would have been caused by OpenSource, there would be calls across the entire industry and at the government level to ban OpenSource from critical systems. But since it was caused by billion-dollar publicly-traded companies, nothing to see here, move-on.

#CrowdStrike #Linux #OpenSource #Outage #Microsoft

Too funny: In 2010 McAffe caused a global IT meltdown due to a faulty update. CTO at this time was George Kurtz. Now he is CEO of #crowdstrike…

Crowd Strike thing is basically an "Ever Given stuck in Suez Canal" of IT industry.

All the techies losing hair, sleep, and family time trying to get this un-stuck are the excavator operators trying to get things un-fucked.

#CrowdStrike #InfoSec

Maximizing shareholder value by using tried-and-true industry-standard systems and services is going just great.

Let's see if "nobody ever got fired for choosing Windows" still holds a week from now. :blobcatpopcornnom:

#InfoSec #CrowdStrike

Maybe rather than trying to shove AI and ads in every portion of Windows Microsoft should focus on not letting their cybersecurity partners take down computers and networks all over the world.

#fail #crowdstrike #microsoft

This #CrowdStrike thing is as close as Fedi gets to the World Cup

PSA: Some of y'all are getting confused by this...

The #Crowdstrike outage is affecting local (bare metal and VM) Windows servers and user machines running Crowdstrike globally.

All of the issues around the world right now aren't because O365/azure was down earlier yesterday. That was an unrelated issue with their cloud services; the Crowdstrike issue isn't an MS cloud service outage.

Oh, Fatima. I bet you wish you'd stayed in ballet now, don't you.

Today's #Crowdstrike disaster is a strong reminder that a broken computer is a safe computer

The thing I hope is alarming people about today's #CrowdStrike outage is that if the company can take out that much of America's tech infrastructure by accident with a single buggy update, our adversaries can do the same on purpose with a supply-chain attack against CrowdStrike, and that one probably wouldn't be as quick to recover from. #infosec

Sensitive content

No self scan in Albert Heijn today. Is this related to #CrowdStrike?

so uhh... is booting in safe mode on #windows #accessible with a #screenReader yet? :) #crowdstrike
Fortunately not bit by this but it did make me curious

BBC is doing extraordinary coverage of the #outtage

The ticker is followed by special live reporting worldwide…

#Crowdstrike #Azure