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Items tagged with: Cryptocurrency

Issue 48 – Bitcoin has "no chance" of going to the moon

Bitcoin ETF fakeouts, imaginary CEOs, and a bridge hack make for an eventful start to the new year.
#newsletter #CitationNeeded #crypto #cryptocurrency

#LBRY closes shop after committing securities fraud with their #cryptocurrency

I always knew that there was something fishy about LBRY.

If you follow the rabbit hole, it looks like Hylo is Hylozoic, Inc., which is owned by cryptocurrency startup Holo, Ltd.

#hylo #holo #blockchain #startup #cryptocurrency #holoChain #hylozoicInc #holoLtd

“.01% of bitcoin holders hold 27% of all bitcoin! That’s 100x the wealth concentration of the regular economy.”

Next time someone tells you cryptocurrencies and blockchain are about decentralisation, laugh in their faces. Loudly. While pointing at them.

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Molly White is the creator of the "Web3 is going just great" project which tracks the latest news of cryptocurrency/NFT disasters, scams and collapses. You can follow at:

➡️ @molly0xfff (White's account)

➡️ @web3isgreat (project account)

The project's website is at and features a useful interactive timeline of the news items.

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