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Items tagged with: decentralisation

🗨️ Ce vendredi à 17h30, j'aurai le plaisir de présenter #Libervia à Pas Sage en Seine (#PSES). Libervia va au-delà d'un simple client #XMPP : c'est un écosystème de communication universel, riche en fonctionnalités, respectueux de la vie privée et basé sur un système décentralisé. Parfaitement adapté aux groupes privés, aux messageries internes ou comme réseau social libre. #logiciellibre #opensource #vieprivée #décentralisation #PSES #Paris

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

The Summit if over 😢 But it was great to have it again 😃 We are at #FOSDEM from tomorrow. See you to talk about :xmpp: & #RTC

Read on the topics:

#opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #jabber #standard #europe

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

A nice fact about the #international collaboration within our network can be seen by the present languages at our summit:

🇩🇪 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇮🇳 🇳🇱 🇵🇱 🇸🇪 🇪🇸

🇪🇺 🌍

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber #europe #standards #global

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

After a short recap on #WebPush, we are continuing with the agenda: MAM


Chat via

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber #europe #standards

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

After a short break the last topic for today was MUC & MIX.

Read our pre-notes:

Join the chat via

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

The first topic we discussed and reviewed was #Push 2.0.

Read our pre-notes:

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber

We would like to say thanks to all in the #XMPP community and beyond, for your engagement in this year #2022!
A good time for you to say thanks to the projects you use and maybe also give a bit back. Looking forward!

#opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #jabber #rtc

"Mastodon instances should be limited from growing beyond a certain size. Instances that are already too large should have ways of encouraging people to migrate to smaller ones." -- or why you should not toot about your birthday on #Mastodon.

Excellent arguments here by @aral

#decentralisation #SmallWeb

@simeon @pavsaund You’ll get no argument on that from me ;)

(Apart from perhaps that we should also be looking at designs that aim to make doing what you describe as easy as possible. It’s much easier to set up a system that’s explicitly designed to serve one person than one that is designed to serve 1-100,000 people. The complexity involved is orders of magnitude less in the former.)

#singleTenant #SmallWeb #decentralisation #federation

Idea: hide the popular servers. Incentivise the ones that are smaller and less popular.


Optimising #Mastodon = designing flows that encourage people to leave for other instances, not accepting any more new members on, and making design changes that limit how much a single instance can scale.

A single instance that can scale to host hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people, is not a design success in decentralisation, it’s a design failure. (It’s a design success in #BigTech.)

CC @Gargron

#decentralisation #centralisation #federation

Food for thought: The bigger gets, the less successful the #fediverse is.

Sadly, the fundamental design of Mastodon mirrors the design of Big Tech (a server architecture that can support hundreds of thousands of “users”) and thus inherits its success criteria.

I feel it’s time we at least started thinking about what the web would look like if we all had our own place on it and what it would take to get there from here.

#decentralisation #centralisation #fediverse #SmallWeb

We should not be optimising Mastodon so it can handle more people per server. We should be optimising Mastodon so it incentivises more serves with fewer people.

(And if you take that line of thinking to its logical conclusion, you arrive at the idea behind the Small Web:

#decentralisation #federation #fediverse #SmallWeb

I’m giving a (virtual) talk on Small Web at the Wizard Amigos Code Camp this Thursday, 5PM Irish time.

I’ll be demonstrating the latest state of development of Kitten ( and Domain ( and talking about how we must focus on topological decentralisation and tackle decentralisation from a non-colonial perspective.

#smallWeb #smallTech #WizardAmigos #web #dev #decentralisation #kitten #domain

“.01% of bitcoin holders hold 27% of all bitcoin! That’s 100x the wealth concentration of the regular economy.”

Next time someone tells you cryptocurrencies and blockchain are about decentralisation, laugh in their faces. Loudly. While pointing at them.

# # # # # #


I'm working on an introductory # about # protocols. 🦄

It serves as a taster for different technologies, and provides you with a path forward to deepen your studies if you're so inclined.

I'll cover #, #, #, and #. Each chapter is a brief intro and a hands-on project using #.

The book will be CC licensed. If that sounded interesting, add yourself to the interested readers list at: