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Items tagged with: Debianday

Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years

We celebrate our 31 year anniversary today with hobbyists, tinkerers, enthusiasts, visionaries, innovators, and dreamers. We see you change the world every day and we are proud to explore with you. You made this happen, Thank You! p.s. we kind of have an official thing going on: #debian #debianday.

The Debian Infrastructure is run by volunteers and consists of ~200 hosts of all architectures Debian carries. #debian #debianday #debianfacts

The Debian Project announces its 'Finely Aged CUCD Project' (Community, User, Contributor, and Developer), edition:joy, version:31. Soon available worldwide. #debian #debianday

Debian turns 29! #DebianDay #DebianDay2022…

Debian Day 2022 - call for celebration… #DebianDay #DebianDay2022