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Items tagged with: HomeAssistant

#findMyPhone #homeassistant #button

Жена часто не помнит, где телефон оставила, горюет.

Решение за 5 минут. Рядом с кроватью приклеил, клей-пистолетом, конечно, zigbee кнопку, которая отправляет сообщение с повышенным приоритетом, и не затыкается, пока не будет прочтено. Даже беззвучный режим пробивает.

Решение для Android / iOS:

Управление через API find my phone от вендоров недоступно, хз почему.

Часто забываете куда телефон положили?

  • Редко. Не проблема (50%, 1 vote)
  • Часто. Бесит (50%, 1 vote)
2 voters. Poll end: 6 hours ago

You absolutely can not give control over your home to a corporation. Learn the lesson. Use something like #homeassistant

Wow, @homeassistant is doing amazing work! The April release looks great. Labels, Floors, Categories, new admin tables… it looks so good!

#HomeAssistant #SmartHome

Nice, Integration of my #Ecovacs robotic vacuum cleaner was merged to the core of #HomeAssistant, so I don't have to use the fork from HACS repository.
Sadly the core version is quite different so it broke my pimped dasboards and automations.

Nevíte co bastlit?
Nestavte pátou meteostanici!
Postavte 🦅 🦉 🐤 🐦 ptačí hlasovou pozorovatelnu. Pomocí 🎤 mikrofonu, 🖥️ Raspberry Pi a 🤖 umělé inteligence, můžete rozpoznávat hlasy ptáků 🐔 . Podporováno je 6000 nejběžnějších druhů. Jako bonus můžete všechna pozorování sdílet na 🌍 mapě světa a potěšit tak nejednoho ornitologa.
V ČR je v tuto chvíli 6 aktivních stanic. Tak kdo se přidá jako další?
Pomůžete mi výzvu rozšířit? Díky
@chiptronCZ @birdlifecz
#IoT #HomeAssistant

Oh yes. I almost gave up, but finally it works now. Our new #Ecovacs robot vacuum cleaner is connected to #HomeAssistant.
✅ it show current state
✅ it show last cleaning state including a map of cleaning
✅ it can be commanded

Next step is to set up an automation for regular cleaning.

@anna is comming home...
I just created new "template" sensor to #HomeAssistant telling me the distance between me and my fiancée. ❤️
I use it in an automation that notifies me when we are both away from home and get close to each other.
For example when I am at work, and Anna has some meeting nearby I want to know to be able to arrange a lunch together.

Today I connected first #ZigBee device into my #DIY #smartHome. It' Sonoff button for easy start, connected to #Zigbee2mqtt server, which is resending messages over #MQTT to #HomeAssistant. It worked flawlesly.

Today I am playing with a WS2811 LED chain 🎄
The fun is that every individual light can be controlled separately.
I am using #ESP32 and #ESPHome to create light effects and #HomeAssistant to connect it to home automations.

Jsem si udělal radost s #raspberrypi. Cílem je rozjet si na tom #homeassistant s nějakým smart zařízením.

Máte někdo zkušenosti?

Is this a #homeassistant #GTK4 app? Pretty please, don't be dead.

New home project: Shelly extension for Vidja lamp from Ikea. #EspHome #Ikea #Shelly #IoT #3DPrint #FreeCAD #esp8266 #HomeAssistant

New home project: Shelly extension for Vidja lamp from Ikea. #EspHome #Ikea #Shelly #IoT #3DPrint #FreeCAD #esp8266 #HomeAssistant

Advent is here.🎄
The time I enable my christmas home automation. It switches light chains on at sunset and off at sunrise.
#Geek #EspHome #HomeAssistant