Items tagged with: Literacy
But today, we really wanted to put the focus on YOU, our dedicated Braille users, for all YOU do spreading awareness, and promoting use of Braille, not just with NVDA on the PC, but in all aspects of life.
Learn more about World Braille Day from the UN:…
#Braille #WorldBrailleDay #WorldBrailleDay2024 #NVDAsr #Literacy #LiteracyMatters
World Braille Day | United Nations
The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the importance of braille as a means of communication in the full realization of the human rights for blind and partially sighted people.United Nations
Actors Inside – 2023 Edition – World Blind Herald… #braille #literacy##
Actors Inside – 2023 Edition
Preface On a Friday in 2006, I lectured at an undergraduate class in Occupational Therapy at University of Florida. One of the questions I received from a student and, coincidentally later in the …World Blind Herald