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Items tagged with: Progress

People who are against #AI are against progress itself. Sure, it has its issues but that's because those who are unable to see the positives simply do not look for them for example, AI is the way that me as a #Blind person is able to get descriptions that sighted people wouldn't want to write themselves. It is the way that at some point, i might be able to drive, something which sighted people take for granted because they can just get a license and drive where they want, while I have to struggle to even get to the grocery store. There are so many benefits to it so I'm pro AI all the way. #Technology, #Progress, #Computers, #cars

well so far, the only difference I've noticed having Apple Intelligence on is that when I told Siri that I will go eat it for breakfast, it told me "I won't answer that." instead of "I'm sorry, I don't understand." #progress