Items tagged with: podcast
"Where one can no longer love, one should – pass by!
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883)
Friedrich Nietzsche
Ep 5 - Ed Summers - Head of Accessibility, GitHub
Hosts Eamon McErlean and Joe Devon interview Ed Summers, Head of Accessibility at GitHub. They discuss how Ed began working in accessibility, some of the lat...YouTube
#Audio Bearbeitung des Gespräches mit zu #Inklusion und dem Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Hamburg e.V für
mit und den für mich neuen #LSP #PlugIns
Demnächst im #PodCast und in einer #Blindenhörzeitschrift
I really enjoyed this #podcast. It is a critique of how the internet has affected democracy. Chris Hayes and Ezra Klein provide some interesting insights. They talk too about podcasts and how the format itself hasn't (yet) been captured by the attention economy. I was reminded about Aaron Swartz’s work to create the open standard build on RSS which is still the way people download podcasts. #democracy #EzraKlein…
Also available as a podcast:…
Opinion | Democrats Are Losing the War for Attention. Badly.
The MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes on why attention has become more valuable than money in politics.Ezra Klein (The New York Times)
I really enjoyed this #podcast. It is a critique of how the internet has affected democracy. Chris Hayes and Ezra Klein provide some interesting insights. They talk too about podcasts and how the format itself hasn't (yet) been captured by the attention economy. I was reminded about Aaron Swartz’s work to create the open standard build on RSS which is still the way people download podcasts. #democracy #EzraKlein…
Also available as a podcast:…
Opinion | Democrats Are Losing the War for Attention. Badly.
The MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes on why attention has become more valuable than money in politics.Ezra Klein (The New York Times)
The views on mastodon of the ways the audio posts are displayed.
The orginal #castopod #podcast publication shows up in the preview as a video with the general podcast cover. If the play button is selected, the window changes into a audio replay option window. No download option, itself is set as "prevent copy".
The MP3 audio URL posted in [audio] BBCode brackets by @utopiarte
shows up as a different (black) audio file reproduction window. A download option is displayed.
I do really like the work, especially the #YourUndividedAttention #podcast. This week the Laughing at Power Episode is wonderful.
Liked learning about:
Also, loved the mention to the @theyesmen. I've been a fan of their work for decades.
The Tactics4Change interactive website provides free access to information about more than 400 hundred cases of nonviolent dilemma actions, from all continents, and more than 100
On the Your Undivided Attention #podcast I heard about Tactics4Change , a case guide to nonviolent dilemma actions and how to do activism with humor. This could be the year when activism is needed more than ever.
Podcast link…
Laughing at Power: A Troublemaker’s Guide to Changing Tech
Podcast Episode · Your Undivided Attention · 01/16/2025 · 46mApple Podcasts
Another great @sustainoss #Podcast this time with @brian on Approachable Open Source
Lots of nuggets for #OpenSource maintenance. Thanks @richlitt & @abbycabs
Worth checking out Brian's book too:
Approachable Open Source
A new book by Brian Muenzenmeyer, available paperback or
We're back for a new season!
Kicking off "Season 3" of UX Podcast @axbom and @Beantin bring you a topic show. In this episode we dive into the concept of "Dark mode", its benefits, and its implications for UX design, user experience and accessibility.
#ux #a11y #uxpodcast #podcast #uxdesign #userexperience #accessibility
Dark mode - UX Podcast
We take a dive into dark mode. What it is and why it's no longer a nice-to-have feature.UX Podcast
Hey @AntennaPod , could you include the Release Changelog (+history) to the app? Maybe under settings and project as separate topic? Or is it already included?
Im asking because I seldom go to the github page looking what has changed. yesterday I did and was very happy and surprised that there is a setting to change the navigation to the bottom YEEAHH. Thank you for that !! :sunflower:
Thx for your link and efforts @Seirdy !
All this said, being part of a decentralized web, as pointed out in this toot, our publicly visible interaction lands on other instances and servers of the #fediVerse and can be scrapped there. I wonder if this situation actually might lead, or should lead, to a federation of servers that share the same robots.txt "ideals".
As @Matthias pointed out in his short investigation of the AI matter, this has (in my eyes) already unimagined levels of criminal and without any doubt unethical behavior, not to mention the range of options rouge actors have at hand.
It's evident why for example the elongated immediately closed down access to X's public tweets and I guess other companies did the same for the same reasons. Obviously the very first reason was to protect their advantage about the hoarded data sets to train their AI in the first place. Yet, considering the latest behavior of the new owner of #twitter, nothing less than at least the creation of #AI driven lists of "political" enemies, and not only from all the collected data on his platform, is to be expected. A international political nightmare of epical proportions. Enough material for dystopian books and articles for people like @Cory Doctorow, @Mike Masnick ✅, @Eva Wolfangel, @Taylor Lorenz, @Jeff Jarvis, @Elena Matera, @Gustavo Antúnez 🇺🇾🇦🇷, to mention a few of the #journalim community, more than one #podcast episode by @Tim Pritlove and @linuzifer, or some lifetime legal cases for @Max Schrems are at hand.
What we are facing now is the fact that we need to protect our and our users data and privacy because of the advanced capabilities of #LLM. We basically are forced to consider to change to private/restricted posts and close down our servers as not only the legal jurisdictions are way to scattered over the different countries and ICANN details, but legislation and comprehension by the legislators is simply none existent, as @Anke Domscheit-Berg could probably agree to.
Like to say, it looks like we need to go dark, a fact that will drive us even more into disappearing as people will have less chance to see what we are all about, advancing further the advantages off the already established players in the social web space.
Just like Prof. Dr. Peter Kruse stated in his take about on YT The network is challenging us min 2:42 more than 14 years ago:
"With semantic understanding we'll have the real big brother. Someone is getting the best out of it and the rest will suffer."
@AntennaPod Is it possible to update the app on F-Droid at the same time as you update it on GPlay? This is always updated long days later. Would be very nice. Thank you!
I really enjoyed @RyanAndrosoff #ThinkDigital #Podcast episode Welcome to Estonia. In Estonia I was struck about their investment in democracy and trust, as they build their digital #government.
#DigitalGovernment requires #Trust and this needs to be demonstrated.
Great #podcast episode @petramolnar on Migration in the Age of #ArtificialIntelligence by @justinhendrix with #TechPolicyPress
Lots of interesting elements in this discussion, but especially the reality that we will be facing unprecedented migration. #ExtremeWeather & #ClimateChange will shake borders.
The role that #AI is going to play in reducing people to a number is shocking.
I haven't tried if it really works. But if it does, it's a big deal.
This is how @mestskacyklistika looks in the #Podverse app.
Das Kind in der Krippe. Die Weihnachtsbotschaft neu entdeckt - Teil 2
Gemeinsam mit Dr. Annette Jantzen sprechen wir in diesem Advent in vier Folgen darüber, wie die Geschichte von dem Kind in der Krippe damals von den ersten Christ*innen erzählt worden ist und blicken in dieser Woche besonders auf die Rolle, welche da…Mit Herz und Haltung
LibreOffice Podcast, Episode #1 – Marketing Free Software
Italo Vignoli and Mike Saunders from The Document Foundation, the small non-profit behind LibreOffice, discuss marketing free and open source software. Join our marketing community: https://www.lib...PeerTube Luxembourg
Mediante un grupo de Telegram que se dedica a promocionar aplicaciones que respetan la privacidad de los usuarios, me recomendaron la aplicación AntennaPod, basada en software libre.
#Podcast #AntennaPod #SoftwareLibre
Digital Technology and Sustainability with Ishmael Burdeau.
In this episode, Millie Cave interviews Ishmael Burdeau, Sustainability Business Architect at the UK government's DWP, to explore the environmental impacts of digital technology.
Daniel Stenberg on Curl's Journey: From C64 Demos to Internet Transfers…
Daniel Stenberg on Curl's Journey: From C64 Demos to Internet Transfers
In this episode, Daniel Stenberg shares his incredible journey from coding on the Commodore 64 to creating Curl, a ubiquitous tool for internet transfers relied upon by developers
Did you catch Ron's recent Freedom Scientific Training Podcast? Listeners will explore how the F6 key simplifies navigation across Word, Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint, offering practical tips for quickly moving between different panes and boosting efficiency. The Power of the F6 Key in MS Office Products: freedomscientifictraining.libs…
Dnešní #podcast 5:59 - doporučuju všem, aby si udělal představu o funkci rusáckých trollích farem.
Schválně, jestli vám ty komentáře a jejich zadání nepřijdou povědomý :)
Webová stránka epizody:
#Inklusion ist #Thema meines Gespräches mit Gabriela Hund von der
#Seelsorge mit seh-beinträchtigten Menschen der Ev. #Kirche in Hessen und Nassau.
Demnächst in der #Blindenhörzeitschrift "Das ABC-Journal" und im #Podcast des
... übrigens, würde sich bestimmt über eine ordentliche Begrüßung im #FediVerse und ein paar #Follower:Innen freuen
#blind #Sehbehinderung #Selbsthilfe #Behinderung #FediKirche
We're excited to be on @FirewallDragons
podcast on #Monday
This will definitely give you some #MondayMotivation 👇👇👇
#Privacy #securitymatters #Tuta #Firewallsdontstopdragons #podcast
Hello Mastodon! This is our first Wyrd Toot! We've left X and hope this will be our new home - please boost / follow and help us find our fellow wyrdies!
Like Scotland? Like Spooky? You may well like us, then!
Find our episodes wherever you source quality podcasts!… #podcast #scotland #supernatural #ghosts #hauntings #folklore
Find a wide range of shows from creators all across Mastodon. 🦣Perfect for anyone wanting to follow, listen, and support independent voices. 📢🎧 #Podcast
What's worse?
A) The discovery that your cat seems to be recording his own podcast
B) The realisation that he doesn't consider you worthy of being a guest on it.…
Papouščí nářek a další pravdivá vyprávění o pletichaření, inteligenci a vynalézavosti zvířat
Autor Eugene Linden na základě řady věrohodných vyprávění a svých bohatých zkušeností analyzuje různé „nadstandardní“ typy chování zvířat. Vybírá si tak malou, ale o to zajímavější část etologie: do jaké míry jsou různá zvířata schopna vlastního přemýšlení a uvědomění si sebe sama. Všímá si rovněž těch schopností, které jsou většinou uváděny jako čistě lidské, např. smyslu pro humor, znalosti hodnoty peněz, přátelství, vděku, lásky nebo naopak vypočítavosti, pomsty, zrady či smutku. Poutavě a humorně líčené krátké příběhy ze zoologických zahrad připomínají populární knihy Geralda Durrella.
- Vlk, který se kamarádil s kozou
- Ona neznala lidské způsoby a on gorilí
- O praseti, které pospíchalo do práce
- Inženýři orangutani a šimpanzi louskající ořechy
- Útěk z Topeky, Omahy a…
- Láska, statečnost, soucit aneb Empatie a hrdinství
- Co si o nás myslí? Místo, kde člověk je něco, co tu ještě nebylo
- Papouščí nářek (BONUS) všechny epizody
#podcast #dobrodruzstvipoznavani #animals #books #CastoPod #oscloud
Velké poděkování za možnost testování a hostování patří @archos…
IPB158: “IPv6 Mostly”: A Strategy to Balance Legacy and Modern Networking Needs
IPB158: "IPv6 Mostly": A Strategy to Balance Legacy and Modern Networking Needs | Packet Pushers
"IPv6 Mostly" is an alternative to the dual-stack approach of transitioning to IPv6. On today's podcast we discuss the practical challenges and security considerations of strategy for moving to an IPv6-centric network while retaining IPv4 for legacy …Packet Pushers Interactive LLC
The funding of critical open-source projects of our everyday lives has becond increasingly important. The Sovereign Tech Fund has set out to improve the situation with various programs that assist these projects as @polexa explains.
We're thrilled being joined by @bagder who shares his experiences with maintaining the #curl project and the STF.
Sovereign Tech Fund
If there is one thing that has become increasingly important in recent years, it is the funding of critical open-source projects that have long been part of our everyday lives.FOCUS ON: Linux
Подкаст, в котором мы записывались на прошлой неделе и с которым потом было так много странных историй, всё же выложен в архив вместе с кратким резюме.
Мы с @Destranis были очень рады рассказать незрячим венграм о новом синтезаторе речи, с которыми в Венгрии прям беда и грусть.
Если кому интересно, подкаст можно послушать по вот этой ссылке:…
Грустно, что @asael не мог участвовать в беседе, так как не знает венгерского, но мы упоминули его (правда с очень русским произношением его имени).
My new narrated audio fiction project An Invisible Sun launches on August 1st!
Go to to hear the teaser, subscribe on your fav pod app, and get more information!
But if you can't wait, members of my Patreon can hear the episodes early and ad-free!
I hope you'll listen!
#audiodrama #audiofiction #fiction #podcast #fictionpodcast #sff #specfic #writingcommunity #writing #indie
Der Podcast ist bisher (bin bei Folge 2 "Warum so wütend hier?" von 6) sehr, sehr spannend für mich. Ich bin in der Gegend groß geworden, hab damals in #Freital im Bus von einem Glatzkopf, wie sagt man: "auf's Maul gekriegt", ohne dass es jemenschen gejuckt hätte.
Spannend finde ich an diesem Podcast dennoch vor allem, wie #Journalismus hier eine Selbst-Erzählung inszeniert, nach der JournalistÏnnen, sensibel, objektiv, souverän und medienkompetent kommunizieren können. Beschämend finde ich, dass sich die beteiligten JournalistÏnnen das Scheitern dieses Anspruches an medienpolitischen Wirklichkeiten nicht eingestehen wollen/können/dürfen, ja sich dem nicht mal bewusst zu sein scheinen.
Gleichzeitig macht es mich ratlos und traurig zu hören, wie in diesem Podcast unter dem Deckmantel der "Verständigung zwischen Dorf und Stadt / Wir wollen nicht über, sondern mit den Menschen reden" ein wirklich schlimmer old school #Kulturalismus betrieben wird.
Ich hätte mir gewünscht, in diesem Podcast auf mehr ethnografisches Wissen / Kompetenzen zu treffen. Jedenfalls hatte ich beim Hören den Eindruck, dass die MacherÏnnen selbst diesen Anspruch hatten.…
#LVZ #Pretzschendorf #Sachsen #Medien #Dorf #Erzgebirge #Medienkompetenz #Leipzig #Podcast #Ethnografie #Kulturalismus
Allein unter Sachsen: Mein Umzug aufs Dorf
Die Journalistin Johanna Weinhold zieht mit ihrer Familie aus Leipzig ins Erzgebirge. Aus der Großstadt mit hohem Grünen-Wähler-Anteil geht es für sie dahin, wo die AfD besonders stark
🎉 New episode of Changelog & Friends!
@bagder shares his guiding principles for BDFL’ing curl, gives us his perspective on the state of the internet, talks financial independence, ensuring curl won’t be the next XZ & more!
🎧 #curl #podcast
Where DOESN’T curl run with curl BDFL Daniel Stenberg (Changelog & Friends #49)
Daniel Stenberg shares his guiding principles for BDFL’ing curl, gives us his perspective on the state of the internet, talks financial independence, ensuring curl won’t be the next XZ & more!Changelog