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Items tagged with: Sixel

I made a page about #Sixel graphics on my home page:…

About time!

It's adapted from the readme of the sixel-graphics project on my GitLab, and still very WIP. ("markdumb" currently doesn't understand literal blocks, among other problems.)

Hopefully I'll have time to improve it later, but it's a start.

> But Coffee, what on earth are #Sixel graphics?

👉 Did you know: You can display actual #bitmap #images on the actual #console in selected terminal emulators.

#XTerm supports this, but it needs a little nudging to enable:

> xterm -rv -ti vt340


In other news, I've had it with #Firefox. I guess I'll still need it to do my banking, but for most things I've switched to #Lynx.

If only Lynx supported in-line #Sixel graphics.

> But Coffee, what on earth are #Sixel graphics?

👉 Did you know?

You can display actual #bitmap #images on the actual #console in selected #terminal emulators.

Terminals which support this include #MLTerm, #FootTerminal and #XTerm (after configuration). Support in #GnomeTerminal and other #VTE-based terminals is underway.

More info:
* other posts in this thread
