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Items tagged with: Titanic

Joseph Laroche was the only black person of the Titanic’s 2,223 passengers & crew. On April 10, 1912, he joined the ship with his family at Grande Rade harbor, France. Despite enjoying the ship's lavish offerings & dining 1st class, the family faced scorn b/c of their interracial marriage. He went down with the ship. Later, White Star Line apologized for the racism of its crew towards non-white passengers.

#BlackMastodon #History #histodons #Titanic

Erstmals ist es gelungen, das Wrack der „Titanic“ in seiner Gesamtheit abzubilden. Dafür wurden 700.000 Fotos gemacht und zu einem 3D-Scan zusammengefügt. Die Aufnahmen könnten Details zum Untergang liefern.

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#Titanic #3DScan #Forschung #tagesschau #nachrichten

Since I was child I was always fascinated by #. Tomorrow will be 110 years aniversary of it's sinking.📅🛳️
So it's no suprise I loved the last # # episode dedicated to this event.🎙️👍
(in # only and behind paywall) 🇨🇿💳