
Items tagged with: aws


Students: "I thought this class was about cloud computing and how useful and cheap it is, why do you keep telling us that it is terrible and expensive?"

Me: "Experience"

#cloud #aws #gcp #azure #computing #serverless


Effortlessly execute AWS CLI commands using natural language with Amazon Q Developer… #aws #blog
#blog #aws

Anyone running #drupal on #aws #lightsail here? I want to install a module, but the composer commands I run don't seem to work. Is there something different about how these systems are installed vs others?







#blog #aws

#blog #aws


#blog #aws

#blog #aws


#blog #aws

#blog #aws

#blog #aws

#aws #rto

#blog #aws


Jsem si zacal rikat, ze jsem to s temi volbami a Vercelem prezil a neni to zas tak hrozna raketa.

Rakusani: "Podrz mi chleba s konskou pastikou"

Taky uz se tesim na tradicni love psani od Plausible.

#volby #vercel #aws

#blog #aws


Vercel v dubnu updatoval ceniky. Misto tradicniho pomaleho utahovani sroubu to fakt napalil a zavedl "Edge Requests", za timto kryptickym popiskem se skryva jakykoli request. (cti: assety)

V EU za to platime $2.60/1M requestu.

Zjistil jsem to, kdyz nam Volebni Kalkulacka vesele napocitava 5.6M Edge Requestu za den. Jeste, ze nejsou prezidentske volby a senatori dodali odpovedi tak pozde!

Cas z Vercelu odejit.

Pro predstavu porovnani jednoho dne senatu a prezidenta.

#vercel #cloud #aws


#blog #aws

#blog #aws


#blog #aws


#blog #aws

#blog #aws