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Items tagged with: doctorwho

@cachondo Well, if I'm interpreting this correctly BBC iPlayer should be getting it at the same time as Disney Plus here in the States. It's only the folks dependent on BBC 1 who will have to wait until later in the day. If I'm wrong I hope that another Whovian will set me straight. #DoctorWho

I'm glad to see we're getting more #DoctorWho books this year but I do wish the BBC hadn't stopped their full-length past Doctor novels. I'm intrigued by "the Adventures Before" and am looking forward to reading that but when I first read the title I was hoping it was a new series about the timeless child.

New Doctor Who Books Announced for 2024. #DoctorWho

First things first — I've a death to arrange.

— The Master, in “Mark of the Rani”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“Who'd want to kill us?”

“There's an infinite number of possibilities.”

— Ace and the Doctor, in “Silver Nemesis”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“The thing is, Doctor, is there anything I can do?”

“Yes, pass me a silicon rod, will you?” <stirs his tea with it>

— The Brigadier and the Doctor, in “The Three Doctors”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“You grasp the theory of relativity?”

“Doesn't everyone?”

— Monarch and Adric, in “Four to Doomsday”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“You were a respected scientist once.”

“Grossly underpaid.”

— Liz Shaw and the traitorous Dr. Lennox, in “The Ambassadors of Death”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“Peri, how would you like to meet a genius?”

“I thought I already have.”

— The Doctor and Peri, in “Mark of the Rani”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

We have the power to do anything we like. Absolute power over every particle in the universe. Everything that has ever existed or ever will exist, as from this moment. Are you listening to me, Romana? Because if you're not listening, I can make you listen. Because I can do anything. As from this moment there is no such thing as free will in the entire universe — there is only my will, because I possess the Key to Time.

— The Doctor, in “The Armageddon Factor”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“So, providing we don't burn up on re-entry and aren't suffocated on the way down, we'll probably be smashed to a pulp when we land.”

“Exactly. Sarah, you've put your finger on the one tiny flaw in our plan.”

"*Our* plan? It's your plan!”

— Sarah and the Doctor, in “The Android Invasion”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Late to the party, I know, but I've just started watching the classic #DoctorWho (as in the 1963 onwards episodes) that the BBC iPlayer recently made available with audio description. Looking at the episode guide on Wikipedia, it seems like the very first series called "An Unearthly Child" is missing. If anyone knows how I can watch them, preferably audio-described, or why they're missing on the BBC iPlayer, please let me know. #WhoNiverse #Whovians

E-space is another universe; there isn't a taxi service goes back and forth.

— The Doctor, in “Earthshock”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“What would you say if I told you I was looking for my TARDIS?”

“Very little.”

— The Doctor and the amnesiac Brigadier, in “Mawdryn Undead”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“Why didn't you say that's what you were looking for?”

“Because I wasn't looking for it until I found it.”

— Tegan and the Doctor, in “The Visitation”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“Would you like a jelly baby?”

“It is true, then; the Evil One eats babies!”

— The Doctor and Leela, in “The Face of Evil”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

For those who don't mind audio fan fiction I highly recommend the Doctor Who Audio Dramas from Listening to them from the beginning is a bit like watching classic Who from the beginning. DWAD also has missing episodes that aren't available and the earlier stories aren't always professionally produced. Eventually, their production values improved. Their stories are more like classic Who but they do honor the canon of the new series. Acting isn't always fabulous but the writing, for Doctor Who, is quite good and there's lots available to listen to. It's also available as a podcast. I also appreciate that they insist on no profanity in their writer's guidelines. #DoctorWho

“Why would they want to control the tide?”

“Well, they... er... why not?”

— Peri and the Doctor, in “Mindwarp”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Probability computed at 0.00057, Mistress. There is a .567 error correction to that estimate. Error in error-correction estimate estimated at 0.375.

— K9, in “Warrior's Gate”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Up next: Revelation of the Daleks. I maintain: it’s a love story. Everybody loves somebody, and the Daleks love exterminating. #DoctorWho

You know how it is; you put things off for a day and before you know it it's a hundred years later.

— The Doctor, in “Arc of Infinity”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Later, Castellan, we must take another look at data security.

— Cardinal Borusa, in “The Deadly Assassin”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

You know, Doctor, I could play all day in my green cathedral.

— Harrison Chase, in “The Seeds of Doom”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Nice to see the #DoctorWho wiki leave Fandom. That service is an utter cesspit now, and the more wikis that go independent the better.

The Rani *is* a genius. Shame I can't stand her. I wonder if I was particularly nice to her, she might — nope, no, of course not...

— The Doctor, in “Mark of the Rani”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

You could augment an earwig to the point where it understood nuclear physics, but it would still be a very stupid thing to do!

— The Doctor, in “The Two Doctors”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

I recently finished watching "It Takes You Away." It's pretty rare that we see a blind character on Doctor Who and I really liked her. Some rather ableist treatment on the part of both Ryan and the Doctor, however, but I liked the character's reactions to that treatment. Is this the first blind character we've seen on the show besides Whispers of Terror on audio.) #DoctorWho

I hope that companions who travel with the Doctor sometimes just get to where they want to go and have some downtime enjoying the food and seeing the sights. I realize this would make for a pretty boring episode or novel but I'd like to think that they don't just go from one alien menace to the next without a break. #DoctorWho

A rash action is worse than no action at all.

— The Doctor, in “The Edge of Destruction”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

<looks at his palm> “I know this TARDIS like the back of my hand.” <Leela turns the Doctor's hand over>

— The Doctor, in “The Invasion of Time”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

The Two Doctors: my husband says “the B plot was about meat being murder.” I was like…I get that. I’m watching it right now, in fact. With you. #DoctorWho

time for some #DoctorWho while I go round the house end make dinner. Woo hoo!

This week in our #BigFinish Audio Club we are listening to and discussing the Sixth Doctor story Whispers of Terror!

Join us 😄


“You have to hang up your travelling shoes and stop wandering sooner or later, don't you?”

“So I've been told. Personally, I just keep on wandering.”

— Morgana and the Doctor, in “The Greatest Show in the Galaxy”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“Doctor, why didn't the helium make *your* voice go squeaky?”

“Because I'm a Time Lord. I've been around, you know.”

— Leela and the Doctor, in “The Robots of Death”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“You forget I'm a doctor. When they slice me open, I'll know the name and function of each organ that pops out.”

“Well at least you won't die in ignorance.”

— Grigory and Natasha, in “Revelation of the Daleks”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“No, I'm just saying that a lot of the time you don't really make sense.”

“Ah. Oh, you've noticed that, have you?”

— Adric and the Doctor, in “The Keeper of Traken”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“Well naturally enough the only country that could be trusted with such a role was Great Britain.”

“Well, naturally. I mean, the rest were all foreigners.”

— The Brigadier and the Doctor, in “Robot”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“That's too obvious.”

“Well, a door handle usually is.”

“Not in a jail.”

— The Doctor and Sarah, in “The Pyramids of Mars”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation