🟡 "Anastasia waits for good luck to
fall into her lap. 🍀🐹
🔴 "Anastasia wartet darauf, dass ihr
das Glück in den Schoß fällt."
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #3DArt #Optimism #Luck #GoodMorning !
If you could speak to the future, what would you want to ask?
Some matters might just be idle curiosity, but others are life and death. If you only got one question, what would you most desperately want to find out?
Well, good news: the future has just gotten in touch.
My first fiction piece for the rebooted OnlySky!
⚡ Chat Control May Finally Be Dead! ⚡
European court rules that encryption must not be broken. 🔒 💪
Let's celebrate this win for privacy. 🎉 😍
#ChatControl #Optimism #Privacy #Encryption
Read more here: 👇
In a legal blow, it looks like Chat Control may not roll out client-side scanning. A huge win for privacy advocates!Tutanota