Items tagged with: persut
"Our main findings indicate a "funnelling effect": users.. ..are steered by the recommendation system towards a select group of video channels,
narrowing the range of views they are exposed to.
Additionally, we found a significant overrepresentation of right-wing voices in video recommendations. When viewing political videos.. ..19.3% of the first recommendations were for videos featuring politicians from the Finns Party."…
YouTube’s algorithm promoted right-wing content in the 2024 Finnish elections
Amid this week's flurry of talks on AI regulation in Strasbourg, a new study found YouTube to have boosted theEliza Gkritsi (EURACTIV)
So uhh...
Finnish Interior Minister, Mari Rantanen (PS), is suggesting we'd have "welfare-detectives"
Her reasoning?
The welfare system's own statistics say there's very little fraud/misallocation among those receiving benefits, so the system itself "has to be faulty."
In essence, she wants the state to send authorities to spy on the poor (kinda like how insurance companies do) just for the sake of them being poor.…
#Finland #finpol #persut #kokoomus
Sisäministeri Rantanen ehdottaa ”Kela-etsiviä” tukien väärinkäyttäjien paljastamiseksi
Sisäministeri Mari Rantanen ihmetteli Iltalehden haastattelussa, miten väärinkäytöksiä selvitetään ainoastaan katsomalla tulorekisteriin: ”Se ei ehkä ole koko totuus.”Tiia Etelämäki HS (Helsingin Sanomat)