Items tagged with: s3_storage


Items tagged with: s3_storage

Hi! Trying to get Friendica installed and working on one of my domains but having some issues with the s3_storage addon and Cloudflare R2.

Has anyone successfully been able to get the #Friendica #s3_storage #addon to work with #Cloudflare #r2 buckets?

This is what I've got in my local.config.php...

	'storage' => [
    	'name' => 's3',
    	'bucket' => 'friendica',
    	'region' => 'wnam',
    	'endpoint' => 'https://[REDACTED]',
    	'credentials' => [
	        'key'    => '[REDACTED]',
	        'secret' => '[REDACTED]',
	    'options' => [
	        'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
          'S3_PERMISSION' => 'private',
But when I load the Storage settings page under Admin -> Configuration -> Storage, I just get a blank page.

If I forego the config file approach and add the settings under the Addon Configuration page, I just get an "Access Denied" message.

The bucket for this domain is set up identically to the other buckets I use for Sharkey. Public Access for the URL is enabled, and I'm using a freshly created Access Key & Secret that have access to the R2 bucket for this domain.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated!