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Items tagged with: sex

"A new… friend? Coming over, just for sex. Because we wanted to. Because *I* wanted to. Why did I want that? *Should* I want that?"

Today's NEW guest blog, by Ana, is a really lovely piece about how #CasualSex helped her learn to accept her brilliant self ❤️… #Sex #Disability

I just learned that my “What Is a Woman (a response)” essay was selected as one of Medium's 32 favorites of 2023:…

ICYMI, you can read the essay here (5 min read, no paywall):… #trans #transgender #LGBTQ #feminism #sex #gender

new essay! not only debunks "trans social contagion" & "gr00ming" charges, but shows how they're linked, and explains the unconscious thinking behind both anti-trans campaigners' obsession with us & the TERF-to-fascist pipeline.

no paywall link, pls share & give it lots of "claps" (up to 50) so other ppl see it!…

#trans #transgender #gay #lesbian #bisexual #LGBTQ #queer #feminism #socialjustice #sex #gender #sexuality #psychology