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Items tagged with: gay

Fedi creatures will boost anything gay.

Fedi creatures will boost anything fox-related.

How do you feel about a gay fox?

:blobfox3c: β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ :blobfox3c:​

#gay #fox #boost #JustForFunsies

With the power of the I.B.M. 360 computer, the gays are now unstoppable!
#vintageAd #gay #dating

new essay! not only debunks "trans social contagion" & "gr00ming" charges, but shows how they're linked, and explains the unconscious thinking behind both anti-trans campaigners' obsession with us & the TERF-to-fascist pipeline.

no paywall link, pls share & give it lots of "claps" (up to 50) so other ppl see it!

#trans #transgender #gay #lesbian #bisexual #LGBTQ #queer #feminism #socialjustice #sex #gender #sexuality #psychology

[time for a #reintroduction! #introductions #introduction]

I'm Flo (he/him), a #queer #author of #lgbtqia #fiction.

Primarily I write #sliceoflife, #comedy, heartwarming & lighthearted, #gay #romance in a variety of settings, such as #hopepunk, #scifi, #fantasy, #steampunk, #horror, #gothic, annnnd the list goes on~ πŸ˜…

Some more things about me:

β€” I'm currently pumped for #NaNoWriMo!

β€” I like #writing, #reading, #drawing, #art, #gaming, #movies, #books etc.

β€” I dabble in #learning #mandarin and #tokipona (which i don't tend to talk about here).

β€” I am #agender, #asexual, #aromantic, (thus #AroAce) #disabled, #ActuallyAutistic, and a #demiguy

β€” i have a wishlist (mostly full of very, *very* gay books):

β€” alt accounts at & @floghost
