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Items tagged with: thread

#Threads by #Meta forcing itself into the #Fediverse is bad and will harm the Fediverse as a whole if not straight up kill it.

I am baffled to see claims such as "we should give them a chance!" or "this could help the Fediverse grow!", as if we're not talking about one of the probably most immoral, unethical, and predatory businesses in this day and age.

Meta isn't coming to play fair. They're coming to use us for profit.

"Embrace, extend, extinguish.",_extend,_and_extinguish


Ok following the dictionary pays off nearly daily but today there is YARN and how it relates to the word CLUE #yarn #thread #words #dictionary #fiberarts

Dado mi enganche reciente a la serie de #Miércoles en Netflix y a que hace eones que no me monto un hilo de algo interesante, voy a proceder a dar un breve repaso a #LaFamiliaAddams en sus distintas encarnaciones audiovisuales.

PD: Como siempre, es posible que se me cuele algún gazapo. No dudéis en señalarlos.

#TheAddamsFamily #Wednesday #hilo #thread