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Items tagged with: xp

Sony announced the upcoming features in the next PS5 firmware. The headlining feature is Discord calling support, but the screen reader will be getting some love too which is great to see. #xp

✨ New series: Advent of Code 2022 ❄️

A pretty long Day 1, wherein we go over #rust types, traits, iterators... to bear's chagrin. Then we come up with a ridiculous solution, because of course we do. #xp
#rust #xp

☃️ Advent of Code 2022, Day 2 🌲

In this one, we make our own enum and struct #rust types to model the problem accurately. And then.. more iterator shenanigans, including dealing with fallible iteration. #xp
#rust #xp

One of #Gnome's inconsistencies when it comes to themes.. Drop down stays dark in Light mode .. I mean why ? #Linux #xp