New Debian Developers and Maintainers (July and August 2022)
The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Sakirnth Nagarasa (sakirnth) Philip Rinn (rinni) Arnaud Rebillout (arnaudr) Marcos Talau (talau) The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the…Debian Project
✊ 😠 Je čas škrtnout Piráty a poslat je někam jednou provždy! Nebo aspoň na 4 roky, protože pak jsou zase komunální volby.
❎Křížkuj nemilosrdně Piráty na radnice a do zastupitelstev, ať máš klid!
🗳️ Přijď dnes a zítra k volbám a ukaž, že máš taky odvahu dělat věci správně! ❤️🏴
Debian turns 29!
Today is Debian's 29th anniversary. We recently wrote about some ideas to celebrate the DebianDay, and several events have been planned in more than 14 locations. You can join the party or organise something yourselves too! Today is also an...Debian Project
Mark Zuckerberg reveals new WhatsApp privacy features…
WhatsApp: Mark Zuckerberg reveals new privacy features
The changes will let users silently leave group chats and control who sees their online status.By Liv McMahon (BBC News)
Debian Day 2022 - call for celebration
Every year on August 16th, the anniversary of the Debian Project takes place. And several communities around the world celebrate this date by organizing local meetings in an event called "Debian Day". So, how about celebrating the 29th...Debian Project
Post-quantum crypto cracked in an hour with one core of an ancient Xeon…
Post-quantum crypto cracked in an hour with one core of an ancient Xeon
NIST's nifty new algorithm looks like it's in troubleLaura Dobberstein (The Register)
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (May and June 2022)
The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Geoffroy Berret (kaliko) Arnaud Ferraris (aferraris) The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Alec Leanas Christopher...Debian Project
Národní klenot České Švýcarsko je v plamenech. Nejde jen o tragédii pro místní lidi a o shořelé stromy, ale také o uhynulá zvířata a o domov, o který přišla. Díky všem hasičům za jejich nasazení, držím palce, aby co nejrychleji dostali plameny pod kontrolu.
Bits from the Debian Project
Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run.Debian Project
Debconf 22 photos
Finally after a long break, the in-person Debconf is a thing again, this time Debconf 22 is happening in Prizren, Kosovo. And it has been my pleasure to again be here and take lots of pictures of theAigarius Blog
Find the New Moon
Image Credit & Copyright: Mohamad Soltanolkotabi… #APOD
APOD: 2022 July 25 - Find the New Moon
A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief
Bits from the Debian Project
Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run.Debian Project
Shouldn't DebConf make a clear statement that although it accepts money (sponsorship) from corporations with abominable reputations in relation to the #FreeSoftware community, there will be no tolerance of suppressing criticism of any of those corporations during DebConf?
It looks rather shocking to see Microsoft and Google logos in association with Debian, but as long as participants are "fully allowed to bite the hand feeding them", the compromise could at least be defended.
Debconf 22 photos
Finally after a long break, the in-person Debconf is a thing again, this time Debconf 22 is happening in Prizren, Kosovo. And it has been my pleasure to again be here and take lots of pictures of theAigarius Blog
Michel Salim
in reply to Debian • • •proud to be here!