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DebianHackAbend in Karlsruhe (Germany), October 4th (and Bug Squashing Party, October 14th - 16th)…

in reply to Debian

Sehr schön, in Indien, zwei "MiniDebConfs" in einem Jahr.
Letzte war im Frühjahr in Hamburg.
Im Sommer war die jährliche, "DebConf" im Kosovo.Im kommenden Jahr wird die DebConf 23 auch in Indien sein.
Dazu kommen die jährlichen "DebianDays" und die Debian Gruppen in verschiedenen Stätten auf der Welt.
Denke, es ist das Linux Betriebssystem mit den meisten Aktivitäten, Treffen,Foren.
Ist ja auch eines der ältesten GNU/Linux 'Distributionen' und Basis für Ubuntu, Linux Mint.

New Debian Developers and Maintainers (July and August 2022)…


✊ 😠 Je čas škrtnout Piráty a poslat je někam jednou provždy! Nebo aspoň na 4 roky, protože pak jsou zase komunální volby.
❎Křížkuj nemilosrdně Piráty na radnice a do zastupitelstev, ať máš klid!
🗳️ Přijď dnes a zítra k volbám a ukaž, že máš taky odvahu dělat věci správně! ❤️🏴


in reply to Debian

why add non-free components to the official project when there are unofficial builds with non-free components?

#OtD 11 Sep 1973 right-wing general Pinochet launched a coup against the elected left-wing government in Chile of Salvador Allende. Backed by the US and UK, Pinochet went on to torture, jail and kill 10,000s of working class activists.

Debian turns 29! #DebianDay #DebianDay2022…

Mark Zuckerberg reveals new WhatsApp privacy features…

in reply to Tech News Worldwide

Tech journalists that uncritically report such news are such a huge part of the problem.

Debian Day 2022 - call for celebration… #DebianDay #DebianDay2022

New Debian Developers and Maintainers (May and June 2022)…

Der Waldbrand im Landkreis Elbe-Elster in Brandenburg umfasst mittlerweile eine Fläche von 850 Hektar. In Bad Schandau in der Sächsischen Schweiz wurde Katastrophenalarm ausgelöst.


Národní klenot České Švýcarsko je v plamenech. Nejde jen o tragédii pro místní lidi a o shořelé stromy, ale také o uhynulá zvířata a o domov, o který přišla. Díky všem hasičům za jejich nasazení, držím palce, aby co nejrychleji dostali plameny pod kontrolu.


Thank you to all the people who made #DebConf22 possible! The DebConf organisation team, Debian Video Team, our speakers, volunteers, and attendees. Would you like to join for organising the next DebConf? If so visit and contact the DebConf team.

#DebConf22 closes in Prizren and #DebConf23 dates announced (now with group photo!)…

#DebConf22 photos, by Aigars Mahinovs…

After lunch, all the events continue in Drini room. Imagine "DebConf 25: In your city?" at 12:00 UTC, followed by the DebConf23 BoF. After a break, at 15:00 UTC we'll have the #DebConf22 Closing Ceremony. Follow the streaming at…

We at #DebConf22 continue at 09:00 UTC with "An introduction to V - the vlang" in Drini, "Contributing with Debian translations" in Lumbardhi and the Debian India BoF in Ereniku…

Last set of short talks for today: at 15:00 UTC in Drini: "What is DPKG_ROOT? And what is it not?" followed by "What's New in GNOME 42". In Lumbardhi, "Next steps for HA in Debian" at 15:00 UTC followed by "Outreachy Project: Yarn plugin to resolve node modules installed as Debian packages via apt", and in Ereniku the Debian Hamradio BoF will happen from 15:00 UTC until 16:00 UTC…

At 13:00 UTC there will be the Diversity Team round table in Drini, the Debian Brasil BoF in Lumbardhi and the Debian Derivatives BoF in Ereniku. Follow the live streaming from #Debconf22 website

We're in the last day of #DebConf22! At 8:00 UTC "Fixing the firmware mess" in Drini and "Digital Activism using Free Software" in Lumbardhi - see the schedule for today at…

After lunch we continue at 12:00 UTC with "Scalable Support for Linux Users: A Guide for Overwhelmed SysAdmins" in Drini. In Lumbardhi room, #DebConf22 attendants will share interesting stories about travel to DebConfs in the "DebConf Travelogue" session, and the Python Team will have their BoF (discussion session) in Ereniku…

Find the New Moon

Image Credit & Copyright: Mohamad Soltanolkotabi… #APOD


#DebConf22 closes in Prizren and #DebConf23 dates announced (now with group photo!)…

in reply to Debian

Shouldn't DebConf make a clear statement that although it accepts money (sponsorship) from corporations with abominable reputations in relation to the #FreeSoftware community, there will be no tolerance of suppressing criticism of any of those corporations during DebConf?

It looks rather shocking to see Microsoft and Google logos in association with Debian, but as long as participants are "fully allowed to bite the hand feeding them", the compromise could at least be defended.

#DebConf22 photos, by Aigars Mahinovs…