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NordVPN Black Friday deal: Up to 63% off a 27-month VPN subscription…


Misc Developer News (#58): anacron might be disabled if 2.3-33 was ever installed; riscv64 porterbox; porterbox DNS alias maintainers needed; debtags.d.o maintainers needed; lintian contributors needed; Experimental manual migration pseudo-excuses; CPU instruction selection documentation…

Proč Piráti bojují proti sledování lidí velkými korporáty?👀
Jak konkrétně může toto sledování zasáhnout i vás🫵, proč se ho obávat, ale i jak mu předcházet - to vše nově i v češtině 🇨🇿

Claude-Joseph Vernet, A Storm on a Mediterranean Coast (1767)


📈 “House Resolution 1209” hit 10 signers!

Debian is present at Capitole du Libre 2022! Visit our stand during this weekend,

Number Stations Gone Wild…

#numberstations #RadioHacks #espionage

"Found this in my codebase, probably transfered from some tutorial/docs somewhere"

submitted by JurassikLizard…

cparse is an LR(1) parser generator for C | #compilers

Debian has been available in mastodon for years, hosted by @Framasoft Please check

Both Debian accounts: mastodon and twitter, relay the news from You can subscribe to micronews by #RSS

Show HN: I record myself on audio 24x7 and use an AI to process the information

About Debian Brasil at Latinoware 2022…

Debian Bug Squashing Party at Spoorzicht 013, Tilburg, Netherlands on November 19th and 20th, 2022: help us shipping upcoming Debian 12/bookworm release. Participation is free, registration at requested. #Debian #BSP

Unknown parent

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@ulfi In der Stock-Messaging-App. Ich bezweifle, dass das in den 3rd-party-apps integriert ist.

Hatte es zunächst auch in den System-Einstellungen gesucht, dort war es nach meiner Erinnerung früher mal. Das das jetzt in der SMS-App zu finden ist erklärt wohl auch, warum Cell Broadcast so oft mit SMS verwechselt wird… 🤷‍♂️

Unknown parent

IzzyOnDroid ✅
@ulfi Aus meiner Sicht weniger. Die Anzeige, OK. Aber die Einstellungen gehören ins System, weil sie nicht von der App abhängig sind (z.B. abbonierte Kanäle etc. sind nichts, was man bei "normalen SMS" hat – und wen willst Du bei einem CellBroadcast antworten?). Sonst kommt so etwas heraus, wie wir gerade hatten: Eine SMS-App hat das nicht implementiert, und Du wunderst Dich das nicht zu finden. 🤷‍♂️

Microsoft is phoning home the content of PowerPoint slides…


#microsoft #privacy

Google One VPN coming to desktop with Mac and Windows apps…



The long-awaited riscv64 porterbox is now available!… – Send push notifications to your phone via PUT/POST

in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos Twitter má @​DnesJe, tady zatím moc botů není, tak vyplňuji prostor.
Postupně tu přibude pár dalších funkcí (nechce se mi zakládat spousta samostatných účtů) pro náhradu botů co český Twitter má, a které by spadaly pod téma Kalendáře. Ale nechci aby to zas spamovalo, jen pár tůtnutí denně.

OCRbot is far from perfect, and should not be relied on as the sole method of captioning images. It's much better and more reliable to caption images yourself, if at all possible. If it's too long to fit in the description field, consider posting it in a reply (or multiple replies).

Here is a list of caveats and other flaws to be aware of when using OCRbot:…

FediScience and other Mastodon communities are growing fast. This is good for #OpenScience, this is our kind of system. So worth reading is: "How to Leave Dying Social Media Platforms".……

Big Content will fight fiercely to preserve and strengthen copyright, which has become central to the survival of their outdated business models

@glynmoody uncovers their rent-seeking behaviour in #WalledCulture - the book #FreeEbook


#ECJ : #AirPassengers subject to long delays to connecting flights operated by separate air carriers are entitled to compensation 👉…
in reply to Court of Justice of the EU

For goodness sake, if you're going to post on Mastodon, which is great, fix the links. Otherwise it's just a waste of time.


Před 86 lety se narodil Václav Havel. Stal se symbolem skutečnosti, že i velké říše a kruté režimy mohou padnout odporem zevnitř, silou ducha a srdce.
Pamatujme hlavně dnes, že žádné zlo není věčné. Pravda a láska totiž musí zvítězit nad lží a nenávistí✌️♥️
