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“It seems we must always meet again.”

“They do say opposites attract.”

— The Master and the Doctor, in “Survival”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Thank you for joining us today for our day 3 coverage of the 24th Debian Developers Conference. Tomorrow July 31 Is a recreation day for all attendees to sightsee and enjoy our host city and nation. We will resume coverage of the conference on August 1. Thank you, happy Debian-ing! #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Hot take: Reflections on Trusting Trust is an incredibly overrated paper that is closer to a science fiction thriller than anything practical or worth thinking about. It perfectly exemplifies the common trope in security of making up a problem where none exists.
in reply to Saagar Jha

In fact if you actually read the paper the whole reason this convoluted construction was presented was because the author thought that direct backdoors would be too easy to discover. Turns out he was very wrong about that
in reply to Saagar Jha

Who would win?

1. A blatant backdoor in software millions of people use
2. A very clever and subtle quine that breaks if you use GCC instead of clang

Empirically, if you actually want to hack people you pick option 1. Such is the world we live in.

Here we go again. Literally seeing japan in the olympics made me reread [Antiquity Link](

No matter how still you’ve been, he’s…

Idem si kúpiť sušiak, nemám to už kde vešať.

When I tell mortals I know by heart what RFC 959, 3986, 6265, 7540 and 9112 cover, barely anyone appreciates it.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Magnus Ahltorp

@ahltorp I have to admit that I am mentioned in several RFCs I can't remember the numbers of =)

In everyday life we encounter two kinds of forces: energetic forces and entropic forces.

When you hold a rock you feel it pushing your hand down. This is an energetic force: raising the rock increases its energy, while lowering it lowers its energy.

When you stretch a rubber band, you feel it pulling back. This is an entropic force. You're not mainly increasing its energy as you stretch it. You're decreasing its entropy! You are taking the tangled polymers in the rubber and forcing them to line up more neatly.

We see here a fundamental truth of thermodynamics: when the temperature is constant, the world wants to minimize its 'free energy', which is energy minus temperature times entropy. So the rock pushes down to reduce energy, but the rubber band pulls back to increase entropy.

Now for a puzzle. When you compress a cylinder of gas, it pushes back. Is this an entropic force or an energetic force... or maybe a mixture of the two?

Yes, the force is due to the pressure of the gas. When you compress the cylinder, molecules of gas inside are bouncing against the cylinder's head, pushing back. That's a perfectly fine explanation at the microscopic level. But you can still ask: are you increasing the energy of the gas, or decreasing its entropy... or both?

Think about it a minute, and then I'll tell you. Someone told me the answer, but I decided it's not quite that simple, so I'll explain the answer I came up with.

If you can handle some math, check out my blog article about entropic forces. If you can't - fear not, the answer to the puzzle uses essentially no math!


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Is it a known issue with mailman3 that it starts to add hundreds of List-Archive/Archived-At headers? Just saw this on one instance (reported to their operators), but wondering if this is a known/common issue. (also, insert rant about mailman3 here.)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@bagder I ended up declaring that I no longer want to operate mailinglists. (Which was probably a good choice in hindsight, but still, I'd perfer if other people could operate MLs with non-terrible software...)
in reply to hanno

I still run some twenty mailing lists, can't give them up just yet...

Well… looks like my Mac is super fast because I just installed the new update. I am now on the Apple Intel wait list. Hoping to definitely get in there soon, because I definitely want to be able to test it out for sure. I am all in on AI because I’m not some paranoid fool and definitely want to improve AI with my info.
in reply to LeonianUniverse

It's not about being paranoid. It's about the right to privacy and the right to choose what is shared.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn Yeah, the thing is, I genuinely don’t care what info they have on me if it makes my life easier. The way I see it, the more info they have on me, the better it will be for me so that I can get advertised shit I want instead of random shit that I don’t need.


until kitsune tails bounces onto steam and itch like a bird riding a giant boot but then leaving it during a jump like a sacrificial yoshi (... these are becoming a bit hard to write ok? 😭)

more info & wishlist via

#KitsuneTails #QueerGames #GameDev #PixelArt

in reply to Eniko | Kitsune Tails out now!

Hi! Wondering if kitsune tails has accessibility features to allow people with disabilities to play, visual impairment/motor disabilities/dyslexia etc? If not, are there plans for such? Thanks!
in reply to aaron

@fireborn well, the pixel font is large and pretty legible at any resolution, keyboard and gamepad are fully rebindable, and there is a toggle for reducing any flashing visual effects

Hacía falta este artículo? Diría que no, pero allá cada uno con su conciencia!

Cómo engañar a la empresa y fingir que estás trabajando…

in reply to Óscar Gorri

Hay una canción yanquie que me viene a la cabeza:

Boss makes a dollar,
I make a dime,
that's why I shit
in company time.

El jefe se lleva un dólar,
yo diez centavos,
por eso voy al baño
en horario de trabajo.

SO, I got a post from elonmusk63:
> "Greetings It's me Elon musk, hope you're doing great! I'm reaching out because I'm currently working on a project/initiative that aligns with your interests/expertise. Would love to get your thoughts/insights on it. Can we schedule a quick call to discuss?"

I asked this fake account why it didn't message me on X, but it seems not to want to engage. Shame!
I abandoned Twitter when all the useful apps and tools powered by their API stopped working and haven't been back since.

I've just seen the unpossible. A broken #nokia phone. I think I understand how Cockcroft and Walton felt when they split the indivisible atom.

siempre me hicieron gracia las descripciones heráldicas. Hoy sale una el el BOE al hilo del cambio de escudo de un ayuntamiento:

Escudo partido. El primero de gules con un báculo abacial de oro sobre el que se posa un pájaro de plata. El segundo de oro, una encina arrancada de su color. Al timbre un yelmo con su penacho de gules.

Yup, I'm still absolutely loving braille screen input in iOS 18. I have to give proper respect to Apple for putting so much great, thorough work into a feature which probably isn't really that "headline worthy", since that's pretty much all it seems big tech companies are interested in these days in terms of accessibility features (and that even included Apple for the past few years until this point).

Rui Batista reshared this.

in reply to Clare Page

@frog67 I know a few people in wheelchairs with their phones mounted in landscape and for them, not having to leave the mode to navigate the phone is a game-changer.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @frog67 Not at all to trivialise - genuinely curious: would locking the screen in landscape (for the entire phone, not just bsi) serve a similar purpose? Or is there some other reason that leaving bsi in this case is particularly awkward?
in reply to Jamie Teh

@frog67 I thought that, too, but I hear there are issues with VoiceOver in certain areas when the whole screen is locked to landscape.
Also a lot of them struggle with the rotor as a gesture, too. Some can remap but it's all very much on an individual basis. having this beta mode for a few of them really seems to have made them feel more at home, for some reason.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@frog67 I often find very hard to replicate what seem to be small issues but that grow to be hugely problematic with multidisciplinary disabilities unfortunately. So to have a win like this is pretty nice.

Also having the parents of the blind children seeing how the mapping works to a mainstream product has been helpful.

in reply to Jamie Teh

@cachondo I don't know whether it's possible to lock an iPhone into landscape mode: I have mine locked in portrait mode, but it automatically goes into landscape when I start BSI, so I'll have to get used to the new gestures for going in and out of it when I get iOS 18 so that I can be in portrait mode for everything else.

Blimey. An horific night's sleep. Had to get out of bed twice to take headache meds. Yeck. Didn't feel like it went below 15 C. Sometimes I like it hot in the bedroom but the humidity and general feeling last night was horrible.

Hey, internets, I'm looking for recs for brands of DECAF darjeeling and lapsang suchong #tea. Either loose or in bags is fine. Anybody have a purveyor they particularly like?

At 5:00 (KST) (08:00 UTC) Please join us for 'Bits from the DPL' talk in the Bada Venue…. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

#astrodon folks, any of you will be at IAU and looking to do a small mastodon meet up? (boosting welcome)

A la hora de crear un parque de vivienda de alquiler, ¿qué solución adoptarías?

  • Incautar (0 votes)
  • Requisar (0 votes)
  • Confiscar (0 votes)
  • Otro (comenta) (0 votes)
Poll end: 1 month ago

En la radio siempre ando buscando programas que recomienden libros. Ayer recomendaron un libro y el presentador no paraba de preguntar cosas como "es largo?", "tiene gráficos?", en serio no son capaces de aguantar el placer de la lectura en sí misma?

Me acabo de enterar de que, si uno está pendiente de que publiquen algo en el BOE, no hace falta entrar todos los días a mirarlo.

Existe este servicio que permite guardar búsquedas asociadas a una alerta. Si se publica algo con la cadena de texto que queramos, nos mandan un e-mail.

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Ayer hacía tanto calor que suspendí el ordenador de casa, y al reanudar debió de coger otra IP, así que ahora no me puedo conectar en remoto. Por lo demás todo bien por la oficina, excepto que estoy validando un acuerdo que tiene mierda blockchain (fuera de mi competencia oponerme).

in reply to modulux

Yo utilizo los servicios de para accidentes de este tipo. También, en el caso de NVDA tengo el servidor instalado en una máquina de internet que siempre está operativa. No-ip es gratuito y el servidor dedicado no te digo nada porque ya lo tienes.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Sí, el tema es que lo que me cambió fue la ip local del ordenador y ahora el router de casa no me hace la redirección. Pero no sería mala idea meter un dedicado de por medio, el único motivo por el que no lo hago es por evitar algo de latencia, pero hoy me habría ahorrado un problema.
in reply to modulux

En el router puedes asignar ips fijas a los dispositivos. También si configuras el dispositivo como ip manual el router te la respetará siempre. Algunos routers permiten controlarlos desde fuera de casa y ver las ip's asignadas a lo conectado. Son ideas.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Sí, y gracias, tengo que investigar a ver si puedo hacer alguna de esas cosas. Únicamente que el fallo sea por alguna movida de UPNP. Cuando vuelva a casa lo puedo ver.
in reply to modulux

Yo tengo el dedicado y no noto nada de latencia incluso con ordenadores dentro de mi propia red local. El dedicado lo tengo contratado con Aruba y está en Italia. Lo utilizo precisamente para NVDA y para vpn navegando desde Italia.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Pues tendré que probar, recuerdo que en su día lo intenté con un dedicado y sí notaba bastante latencia, pero tengo que probar con el nuevo que a lo mejor tiene menos.
in reply to modulux

Yo estoy utilizando la versión del servidor para Debian que hizo la comunidad hispana de NVDA. Diría que actualmente es la más actualizada.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Al final parece que el problema era de UPNP, porque el equipo tiene la IP correcta, solo fallaba el port forwarding del router. A saber por qué motivo. Cosa de asegurarme de que el puerto esté bien redirigido.
in reply to modulux

En el router también puedes redirigir puertos específicos. Yo con el UPNP estoy teniendo muchos problemas y son por lo malo que es el router que tengo. Es de Jazztel que pone el mismo que todos los operadores del grupo Orange.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

El mío es el de vodafon, si mal no recuerdo, y normalmente no me toca mucho las narices, pero ayer al suspender y volver a encender, seguramente no se activó la redirección por UPNP. En teoria ya lo tengo también redirigido a mano, pero le ha debido dar por no ir así.

We ate at a restaurant last night that we like. They did something we hadn’t seen or heard of before. We were seated at a booth and the hostess put a small rattan basket on our table and said, “Put your phone in the basket while you eat, and we will give you a $3 discount on your meal, to foster conversation.” I put my phone in the basket. There was a $3 credit on our bill. I asked if any other places around town were doing this. She didn’t know of any. Maybe it’ll catch on.

reshared this

At 3:30 (KST) (06:30 UTC) ' what is, how to benefit from it and how to help' in the Bada Venue, 'Apt Transparency' in the Somin, and 'Debian Policy & Developers Reference Bof' in Pado. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

At 2:30 (KST) (05:30 UTC) in the Bada Venue, 'Attracting and retaining new contributors: insights from Brazil', 'Chameleon - the easy way to try out Sequoia - OpenPGP written in Rust' in the Somin Venue, and 'Meet the ftpteam' in the Pado Venue. There will be a non-streamed, 'Linux kernel development workshop' held in the CEO venue. Also stay tuned for an 'Apt Transparency' talk in the Somin Venue at 15:00 (KST) #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Great news for those who could not attend the DebConf or have missed the conference because of time zone differences, there are so far 18 videos published for viewing at your leisure:… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

We pause for lunch and will resume Day 3 of the 24th Debian Developers Conference at 2:30 PM (KST) #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

This may be totally futile at this point but I'm putting this out there. Someone from the Philadelphia Computer Users' Group for the Blind's mailing list asked if anyone from @AppleVis thought of reaching out to a blindness organization such as Hadley, AFB, APH or one of the blindness consumer organizations regarding the possibility of taking over AppleVis. I realize it's not likely but neither is it impossible. @ACBNational
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Goldfield

loads of people commented directly on the blog posts offerring expertise in a variety of fields, financial support etc. I guess it's hard to know how much of that is useful compared to the backlog of work for the team, but it feels like this was a decision already made before David's illness.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Well, as Isaid earlier, I think Apple themselves should take this on, after all, we know when to adopt an update more reliably because of it, so it saves them work, and apps get known and sold, so they make commission out of that too
in reply to David Goldfield

That's a really good idea! I really hope something will come of that.

about transphobia, for cis folks (yes, even you, gay poc person with 2 PhDs)

Sensitive content

I've kept rather quiet regarding my thoughts on the closure of AppleVis and I'm honestly not sure how prudent it would be for me to share my opinions about the team's decision to close the community but I'm in a place right now where I'm willing to do it.
I've been in situations where I've eithered owned or co-moderated discussion groups and at one point I felt the need to pass on those responsibilities to others. I had different reasons for wanting to do this but I wanted to at least try to get others to take over those groups rather than letting them disappear. Fortunately, I found people willing to take over the Zoom Users Group and the Office Accessibility group. The Braille Display Users Group already had an owner and moderator so all I had to do was to let him know that I felt I could no longer continue my duties as co-mod. I never once looked back after letting those groups go, which only reinforced the fact that I had made the right decision. I'll also admit that I feel quite differently about the Tech-VI list. I have very high standards for how that list should be operated and if I ever felt that I had to let go of Tech-VI I would not just give it to anyone who wanted it. I would only consider passing it on to someone who would run it with equally high standards, if not higher, than my own. I know of two people who I would trust to take on that project and I doubt that either of them would want it. Because of this, it is likely that Tech-VI will stop if I ever decide that I can't do it anymore or when I pass on to eternity. The point is that I understand the importance of passing on a project that you've started. I understand how and why doing so can be very easy and why it can also seem almost impossible. All of this being said, AppleVis became a huge resource, bigger than its founder, and I wish that he would have at least considered attempting to pass on the project to trustworthy and competent individuals. This is a terrible loss in the blindness community.
in reply to David Goldfield

Very well said David. I completely agree with you. I think it is not in anyone's best interest to take on a project all by himself. No one is invincible and the best projects are ones where there is collaboration, using each person's strengths and gifts to share the load. so, I hope whatever happens, the person who keeps things alive on a similar platform should absolutely share the load, delegate, and put things in place in case things go sideways. The website has been invaluable to me and the students I teach. Here is hoping that content stays readable somewhere and that a similar platform can develop for the community.