“TikTok poses an unacceptable national security risk due to its extensive data harvesting being combined with Beijing’s apparently unchecked access to that sensitive data.” – Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

This is true.

Now replace TikTok with Facebook, Snapchat, <insert Silicon Valley Big Tech corporation or startup here> and Beijing with Washington, DC and…

This is also true.



#peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism #BigTech #humanRights #democracy

in reply to jaryl

You’re missing the point. The problem isn’t the Chinese owner. The problem is the surveillance and the data gathered and that other people have it and will use it against you. For TikTok, it’s the people who run TikTok and the Chinese government (and yes, the Chinese government is about as problematic as it gets but that’s not the point here because so is every government to one degree or other). For Facebook it’s Zuck & co. and the US government, etc., etc., etc.
in reply to Aral Balkan

😂🤣😂 The same thing happens all the time in my country, the United States 🇺🇸! I dislike the government of China 🇨🇳, but at least they are not hypocritical about harvesting corporate user data.

The USA “righteously” accuses other nations of committing the same sins America regularly practices.

Example: USA 🇺🇸 accuses Russia 🇷🇺 of illegally occupying Ukraine 🇺🇦, but the USA 🇺🇸 illegally occupies the Chagos Archipelago in Mauritius 🇲🇺.


in reply to Aral Balkan

I appreciate you trying to flip the context, but none of the social networks are accessible by mere mortals in China. And perhaps that’s your point, but is putting up walls and using China as an example the answer?
Perhaps what you intended was to suggest that government should stay out of the social network data pools, but I think we’ve seen what happens when big tech companies have unfettered access to users. It becomes a free for all of exploitation and manipulation for profit.
So where’s the balance here? I think the EU is on the right path putting citizen rights first, generally speaking. The implantation may be a little ham fisted at this time but it will get better.
The answer, as I see it, is not found in extremism allowing or banning all access, but a balanced approach determined by *good* governance.
Now, what does good look like to you?