Items tagged with: bigtech


Items tagged with: bigtech

As long as we talk about tech independence or digital #sovereignty primarily in terms of geography and jurisdiction, we will lose as users and as people with rights:

1. Because this narrative can easily be co-opted by antidemocratic, nationalistic forces.

2. It takes away attention from what actually provides us with independence: software #freedom, #interoperability, a power shift away from #bigtech to small, decentralised, ethical tech.

3. It gives praise to entities...

Let's play a game.

Don't say PowerPoint presentation, say slidedeck
Don't say Word, say text document
Don't say Photoshop, say image editing
Don't say Excel, say spreadsheet
Don't say...

Language is important. When corporate companies own the names of the tasks or the digital items you create, you have become a cog in their branding machine.

#bigtech #DataSociety #academicchatter

Please consider hosting videos on other places than just #YouTube.

#Google is making it increasingly difficult to view their videos in ways that don't make you choke on their surveillance, ads and cookies. I will *never* load a video directly from YouTube, and I know I'm not the only one.

Please consider posting them on #PeerTube and sync that to YT for the people who still don't understand how evil Google is.


Ik laat Marieke De Hoon universitair hoofddocent internationaal strafrecht, hier achter met een fragment uit 📺 EenVandaag van 7 feb 2025… (slechts) 2️⃣ weken na de inauguratie.

Wil je begrijpen waarom soevereiniteit cruciaal is voor landen, organisaties en de manier waarop we verweven zijn met Big Tech? Klik op play. Of beter nog: stel jezelf de vraag wat er gebeurt als jouw organisatie maandag niet kan inloggen of deelnemen aan betalingen 🤔.

#Soevereininteit #autonomie #bigtech #aanDeSlagInDeEU

Ready to move away from Big Tech?

There are options. Choosing those options will require you to learn something new, but that is a small cost to pay to get away from Big Tech, IMHO

Here are my suggestions. Feel free to add your own:

1. Browser : Vivaldi. That one is a given for me, obviously.

2. Mail client : Vivaldi. You may wonder why you need a mail client, but besides the technical benefits, it makes it a lot easier to move between mail services or even use more than one.

3. Mail service : Fastmail. They have been around for a long time.

4. Office software : Libre Office.

5. Video conference : Whereby.

6. Desktop OS : Linux.

7. Social : Mastodon and the Fediverse in general.

As said, I am eager to hear what you are using to help me move away from Big Tech as well. Always looking for new things to try.

#Mastodon #fediverse #Linux #Windows #BigTech #Politics #Technology #Computers

For the past few months, we've been working on decreasing our dependence on #bigtech - most notably, our dependence on #Microsoft via #Github.

We've been experimenting with @forgejo (which is very enjoyable), setup the build proces on our own hardware.

Since yesterday, the main instance is also hosted by #hetzner. There are still a few dependencies, but the main hurdles have been taken!

"If anyone wants to do business in [the] EU, they have to comply with the rules," Christel Schaldemose. 👏 At Tuta, we too believe that Big Tech must comply with EU regulation.

We commend these efforts by EU lawmakers to ensure the digital privacy of EU citizens.

🖇️ Full story here:…

Together we can make the web a better place 💪❤️

#Eu #EuLaw #BigTech

TIL that on #Meta platforms now one can write terrible, offensive slurs against LGBTQIA+ folks and immigrants… with zero repercussions. But the second one mentions a #Fediverse project like #Pixelfed, the post is automatically removed.

Meta “moderation” policies in 2025: racism, xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia and sexism are allowed; mention of competition is strictly forbidden.


#BigTech #dystopia #QuitMeta

With Zuckerberg very much kissing Trump's ring, are there any good strategies to encourage friends to switch away from Meta products? I've already changed my WhatsApp profile with an image to indicate I prefer to be contacted on @signalapp #meta #bigtech

zastanawiałam się, czy wrzucać dodatkowo u siebie, jako osobnego toota, skoro już krąży po sieci, temat kontrowersyjny, a ja cierpię na chroniczny niedobór doby ;)

ale w sumie mogę zapuścić linka i dodatkowo otagować:

Czy polska szkoła musi być uzależniona od Big Techów?…

#edukacja #szkoła #wychowanie #dzieci #nauczyciele #rodzicielstwo #eSzkola #cyfryzacja #edziennik #microsoft #komercjalizacja #bigtech

Did you know IBM helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust? Is it in any way surprising that we can’t do anything about Big Tech and toxic oligarchs like Elon Musk when even those who helped carry out one of the worst tragedies in human history remain unpunished? Should it come as a shock that the very same bastards are funding and pining for fascism today?…

#BigTech #fascism #SiliconValley #ventureCapital #surveillance #capitalism #peopleFarming #BigData #AI

Als Nederlands burger vind ik dit ZEER ongemakkelijk:

$ host is an alias for has address has IPv6 address 2600:1901:0:7947::

$ whois

$ whois 2600:1901:0:7947::
CIDR: 2600:1900::/28

@staatssecretarisbzk @bitsoffreedom

📢 Big tech has never cared for your online #privacy and they still don’t! Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes – it’s just privacy washing.

Read more here 👉 👉 👉…

#privacywashing #bigtech #privacymatters

I'd love to do so too ... but ... this stops me. I don't trust Google - they'll use all the additional meta data for their own stuff too.

(There are privacy aware alternatives, like and such likes)

#bigtech #privacy

Check out the ongoing series where we explore how Purism differs from Big Tech competition. We are covering various aspects such as formation, operating system, hardware, privacy, security, freedoms, and more. Stay tuned for some eye-opening insights!…
#Purism #Librem5 #BigTech #TechDifferences

Genuine question. How many more times does #BigTech censorship have to take place against journalists before you start writing on your own websites and directing people to your #RSS feed instead of relying on your social media traffic? There's thousands of places that will host your own website for you, for a price. I list a few below! No, it's not free, but how many times does this have to happen to you?…

And here, I list a bunch of places that will host your own website for you!


Apple's response to its ~$2 billion fine is telling.

It's the same mentality Apple shows with the #DMA.

This must be the start of the #EU's crackdown on #BigTech. 💪

Here's why we're in revolt against #Apple's malicious compliance with the DMA

Apple is showing flagrant disregard for the EU #DigitalMarketsAct. 🇪🇺

Their reluctant allowance of third-party app stores, #sideloading, & alternative payments is nothing more than an act of #malicious compliance by #apple 🍎

#monopoly #BigTech

#DigitalColonialism #AlgorithmicBias #BigTech -

Data Grab: The New Colonialism of Big Tech and How to Fight Back

Ulises A. Mejias and Nick Couldry

"Large technology companies like Meta, Amazon, and Alphabet have unprecedented access to our daily lives, collecting information when we check our email, count our steps, shop online, and commute to and from work. Current events are concerning—both the changing owners (and names) of billion-dollar tech companies and regulatory concerns about artificial intelligence underscore the sweeping nature of Big Tech’s surveillance and the influence such companies hold over the people who use their apps and platforms.

As trusted tech experts Ulises A. Mejias and Nick Couldry show in this eye-opening and convincing book, this vast accumulation of data is not the accidental stockpile of a fast-growing industry. Just as nations stole territories for ill-gotten minerals and crops, wealth, and dominance, tech companies steal personal data important to our lives. It’s only within the framework of colonialism, Mejias and Couldry argue, that we can comprehend the full scope of this heist.

Like the land grabs of the past, today’s data grab converts our data into raw material for the generation of corporate profit against our own interests. Like historical colonialism, today’s tech corporations have engineered an extractive form of doing business that builds a new social and economic order, leads to job precarity, and degrades the environment. These methods deepen global inequality, consolidating corporate wealth in the Global North and engineering discriminatory algorithms. Promising convenience, connection, and scientific progress, tech companies enrich themselves by encouraging us to relinquish details about our personal interactions, our taste in movies or music, and even our health and medical records. Do we have any other choice?"…

The American Dialect Society has announced that its 2023 Word of the Year is "Entshittification". 💩

The decline in quality of service and content from #google and #amazon is plain to see, but this doesn't need to be the future of the internet. 🤖

You can help make the web a better place by choosing free and open source alternatives to #BigTech! ✊

1. Read this:

“Just as GitHub was founded on Git, today we are re-founded on Copilot.”…

2. Go here:

#git #gitHub #codeberg #enshittification #BigTech #cooperative #dev

Google is taking pay-to-play to the next level. Recent court testimony shows that Google paid $21 Billion USD to remain the Internet's dominant search engine. 😱

💪 Fight back against Big Tech's monopoly by switching to a more private search engine today! 👇…

#privacy #encryption #google #monopoly #bigtech

“The fact that large platforms are adopting ActivityPub is not only validation of the movement towards decentralized social media, but a path forward for people locked into these platforms to switch to better providers. Which in turn, puts pressure on such platforms to provide better, less exploitative services. This is a clear victory for our cause, hopefully one of many to come.”

Famous last words.…

#mastodon #fediverse #threads #BigTech #SiliconValley #zeroSumGame

#Meta is having a very bad year. The latest decision (issued by the #CJEU yesterday in Meta Platforms Inc, et al., v. Bundeskartellamt, C-C252/21) adds to their woes, but more importantly, I anticipate it will force us all to re-evaluate #processing, #lawful bases, special category data, and #inferences derived from that data.

In my article, I explore the case in detail, as well as some hypotheses on the impact of this decision broadly to #BigTech, with examples.

But I'm curious to hear your thoughts and observations. Am I being a Cassandra? Overly pessimistic? Completely overthinking this? What implications am I missing?

I'll note here (even though I didn't mention it in the article) that this may also portend the effective death of the One Stop Shop mechanism, which is already on shaky ground after the whole spat between the #DPC and other regulators. Who needs Ireland if competition authorities can also raise issues under the GDPR?

CJEU case:…
