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Few of my friends decided to leave the Facebook and it's Messenger or Whatsapp apps. 👍 But they also decided to move to other proprietary and closed software like Signal.👎
Please if you make this brave decision, choose wisely. Something decentralized and open like :xmpp: #XMPP or :matrix: #Matrix. 🙏
These are not apps, these are protocols witch many apps can use. You can than choose app you like. For example on Andorid there is
Conversations or Snikket for xmpp, or Element for Matrix...
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in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Btw, you can find me on both mentioned networks:
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Michal Špondr

@michal Přítelkyně na denní bázi používá pro komunikaci se mnou Conversations a nenarazili jsme na problém. Je teda pravda, že jsem jí to na začátku nastavil, tam asi bude trochu bariera. V tom by mohl být přívětivější Snikket. A vůbec nemám přehled co pro xmpp existuje na iOS. 🤷
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Pro #AndroidOS + #XMPP doporučuju #Monocles, je to fork Conversations, skvělý a intuitivní průvodce každého nového kroku, end-to-end šifrování je tam default, a další vylepšení. Zcela jednoduché používání.
Mimoto doporučuju #FDroid jako svobodnou alternativu ke Google Play.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Yes. An open protocol and decentralised is the important bit. Whether clients are proprietary is less important. Remember, some email clients such as Outlook are proprietary, yet still email is open and not affected by some individuals choice.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

When you're facing non-technical people, where do you point them when they ask "where do I sign up"? I have no reference of public, reliable XMPP servers.
in reply to Hugo

@whynothugo So far nobody asked. 😄 For my family members I added accounts on my personal server. For my czech friends I would recommend as I used to have account there before selfhosting.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Once upon a time in the history of the internet, companies like Facebook and Google used the XMPP protocol. However, then came a dark time of tedious standardization of audio and video transmission...
in reply to Městský Vlk

@MestskyVlk Yep, I know. All these large companies started on opened standards and protocols. XMPP, iCal, RSS... That's why we liked them as early adopters and why we brought our friends to them. I used Pidgin to talk to my Facebook and GTalk friends in these old days... But when these companies grow enough, they always start to lock users in their ecosystem. 👎