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Did you miss the #AndroidAppRain while I was at DroidCon? Get ready for a heavy one then! 17 updated and 9 added apps at for you today :awesome:

* Share via web: share files and apps over HTTP (device-to-device)
* Rank My Favs: rank your favorite stuff
* InnerTune: Youtube Music client
* Calculator You: simple calculator with MaterializedYou design


in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅


* Media Browser: folder-based media browsing
* Rush: search, view, save and share lyrics
* GlassDown: client for APKMirror
* Beans: a virtual scratchmap of the world
* OrgNote: notes like with Org Roam

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

hmm it seems GlassDown was deleted from evwrywhere and I cant seem to find out why
in reply to wakest ⁂

@liaizon AppRemoved: 2024-07-11 on request of author (repo was removed as well) "Apparently it caught attention of site owner too quickly (the site I was scraping the data from) & want to take down the app before the bigger fallout happens."
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

ahh that is too bad! I was excited to see another source of install other then Aurora
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Wished to thank you for your continuous work via your repo, and helping app devs in general. I love to discover new FOSS projects throught your additional repo, and quite appreciated RankMyFav from @dessalines