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Items tagged with: Android

#AndroidAppRain at today with 10 updated and 1 added apps:

* FDTracker: easily add, view, update, and track your fixed deposits

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

* Please boost *

Which office suite(s) do you use at least once a week? (in a typical week)

Please only answer the poll *if* you use #office software, such as #wordprocessor, #spreadsheet #presentation software, etc.

#LibreOffice #MSOffice #MicrosoftOffice #GoogleDocs #CalligraSuite #Calligra #FreeOffice #SoftmakerOffice #Gnumeric #CollaboraOffice #CollaboraOnline #OpenOffice #OnlyOffice #Microsoft365 #WordPerfectOffice #WPSOffice #iWork #Windows #Linux #macOS #Android #iOS

  • LibreOffice (60%, 138 votes)
  • Microsoft Office (38%, 87 votes)
  • Google Docs (30%, 69 votes)
  • Other (please reply and explain) (5%, 13 votes)
229 voters. Poll end: in 6 days

#AndroidAppRain at today with 14 updated and 2 added apps:

* Paperize: wallpaper changer application with a clean design
* Simple Song Collector: gather YouTube audio tracks from your song lists in other apps

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

One Year of Accessible Android: Empowering the Blind Community Together… #Android #Accessibility #Anniversary #Introduction

#AndroidAppRain at today with 13 updated and 2 added apps:

* TaskLabAct: save and sync on your git server a TODO list and shareable links
* Fossify Calculator: Simple and open-source calculator for quick and easy calculations – and app number 12 in your green collection. One app for each month now!

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

🚨 New pre-print – dark times for privacy. Not only announced Google yesterday to continue allowing cross-site cookies. We find that Android's central privacy options are ineffective and arguably misleading for consumers.

For 10+ years, Google has allowed #Android users to limit data sharing for online ads. We find that this setting does... NOTHING much. The same goes for Californians, when they exert their LEGAL right to limit sale or sharing of their data. #GPC


#AndroidAppRain at today today with 10 updated and 1 added apps:

* FluxTube: Ad-free YouTube client using piped API

Oh, and the #Magisk repo had some updates as well as 1 added module:

* AshLooper: Boot Loop Protection

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

The fact this took until now to work is sorta absurd, #android has been able to do this for ages, both with the #talkback braille keyboard and with the ones before that.

In case you missed it: Accrescent is now mirrored in the GrapheneOS App Store! This helps GrapheneOS users securely and easily obtain Accrescent from a trusted source.

GrapheneOS highly values privacy and security as we do, so we're excited about this collaboration.…

#privacy #security #accrescent #appstore #android

#AndroidAppRain at today with 9.5 updated and 1 added apps:

* ShikiApp: an unofficial Shikimori mobile app

The .5 update is, urn, Update.Me which forgot to increase the versionCode. So if you use this app, you might wish to manually update by simply installing it again as if it were not yet there 🙈

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

🚗 :android: Passando a utilizar este aplicativo para gerenciar despesas do automóvel com a tornozeleira eletrônica de bolso #Android: Autu Mandu é #SoftwareLivre (licença Apache 2.0) e está disponível, entre outros, no repositório do @IzzyOnDroid para #FDroid.

Vamos ver como se sai, mas parece ótimo. Usei por muitos anos outros privativos de liberdade, então aproveito para iniciar a gestão de novo veículo finalmente dando basta nessa privação.

Mais alguém o conhece?

#Blind #Android folx, does anyone have any good recommendations for a good, #accessible email app for non-gmail accounts? Thanks.

#AndroidAppRain at today with 9 updated and 1 added apps:

* QuizFlow: create, and study word lists with interactive flashcards and modes

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 14 updated and 1 added apps:

* Fossify Keyboard brings your Fossify Collection up to 11 apps! ( 🇩🇪 Prosit!)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Die #Tastatur eines #Smartphone|s befindet sich an einer empfindlichen Stelle in Sachen #digitalePrivatsphäre.

Man muss auf #Android das #Gboard ja aber nicht verwenden...

Bei der gefallen mir darüber hinaus die zusätzlichen Pfeiltasten zur #Cursor#Navigation, die Umstellung der #Sprache und die zusätzlichen Tasten für deutsche #Umlaute.


#AndroidAppRain at today with 9 updated and 2 added apps:

* Calculator: calculator, currency converter, time zones, ..
* Mobile Tile Server: HTTP Server for your local Map Tiles

2 apps have been removed:

* Paisa got to big ( ~90 MB)
* Metadataremover jumped from 10 to 160 MB with the last release (but is still available at

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

🚚 apkeep — инструмент командной строки для скачивания APK из различных источников.…

Для поиска приложений используются их идентификаторы. Например, у Telegram `org.telegram.messenger`. Он находится в ссылках:… и….

Скачать приложение (в данном случае Firefox) из источника по умолчанию в текущую папку: `apkeep -a org.mozilla.firefox .`

Источник по умолчанию — APKPure ( Это зеркало Google Play, которое не требует авторизации. Для скачивания напрямую с Google Play нужен логин, но это нарушает условия пользования, за что Google вправе заблокировать ваш аккаунт.

Параметр -d указывает источник: `f-droid` [1], `huawei-app-gallery`. Список версий: --list-versions. Скачать определённую версию: идентификатор@версия.

📥 Скачать apkeep для Windows, Linux, Android:
Cargo: `cargo install apkeep`
Termux (Android): `pkg install apkeep`



#AndroidAppRain at today with 13 updated and 1 added apps:

* Update Me: Install and update your favorite modded apps securely with a beautiful UI

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:


Either way, we've got you covered ✌️

Read our #tips for protecting your #privacy on iPhone and Android here👇

✅Android users:…
✅iPhone users:…

#apple #android #security #tips #privacytips #securitytips #Tuta #encrypted #Eu

Leute, wenn ihr eure Privatsphäre wenigstens ein bisschen schützen wollt, dann benutzt Werbe- und Trackingblocker [3]. Gegen solche Szenarien wie »Databroker Files« [2] kann man sich schon relativ einfach schützen. [1] 👇


#tracking #dsgvo #advertisingid #google #apple #android #ios

»Firma verschleudert 3,6 Milliarden Standorte von Menschen in Deutschland«. Seit Jahren erwähne ich in fast jedem Artikel, in dem es um Tracking und Android-Apps geht, dass die Google Advertising-ID ein personenbeziehbares Datum ist. Dies wurde nun erneut eindrucksvoll bewiesen. 👇

Weg aus der Misere: Verwendet googlefreie Systeme wie #GrapheneOS und nutzt Werbe- und Trackingblocker.……

#tracking #dsgvo #advertisingid #google #apple #android #ios

OK, there we go – and apologies for the delay, but there was heavy #AndroidAppRain at today with 21 updated and 1 added apps:

* Musikus: your personal practice companion

One app returned to #IzzyOnDroid on request of its author, though it's also available at F-Droid:

* LogFox: a LogCat reader

JetNote was removed, as announced earlier – and Occtax switched to a proper signing key.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo!

#AndroidAppRain at today with 13 updated and 1 added apps:

* Podcini - Podcast instrument

A bunch of #Magisk #modules have been updated at as well.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 23 updated and 1 added apps:

* Hyperlink Knapsack: manage your LinkAce database

An update to Food Expirations had to be removed (fresh index being deployed as I write this) as it introduced several proprietary components, hopefully by accident).

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

It's time for the June Thunderbird for Android Progress Report! We have:

👨🏻 A New Team Member
💕 A Two App Foundation
✨ Material 3 and Android Updates
🌏 Translation News

We also have a bonus Thundercat! 🐈…

#Thunderbird #Android #OpenSource

No #AndroidAppRain today? It's not that we were lazy. Your favorite cat and the ferret were rather busy looking for the 8th egg…

So just 5 apps updated today. One of them is Plexus, which returned to the #IzzyOnDroid repo on request of its authors, as at F-Droid their updates seem to be stuck. As Plexus was set up as reproducible build, you can easily update it from IoD now :awesome:

But now: enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Winamp has made its debut on Android, offering local file playback, podcast browsing, and streaming of popular radio stations online. According to the app description, there are plans to consolidate streaming services into one app, but we couldn't find any details on that yet. While there’s still work to be done on accessibility, it’s exciting to see how it will grow and improve. Check it out… #Android #Winamp

The #AndroidAppRain at does not stop. Today 18 updated and 2 added apps:

* Capy Reader: a smallish RSS reader
* FadCam: a cam recorder that allows seamless background video recording

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Pozdravljena Slovenija! Speech Recognition & Synthesis by Google, AKA Google TTS has been updated and now it supports Slovene, a South Slavic language which is the official language of Slovenia 🇸🇮 Take a look at our list of languages with available TTS engines on Android… #Android #TTS

Hey @fdroidorg, how about we replace the "Non-Free Network Services" flag with two more specific Anti-Feature flags; "Non-Changeable Network Services" and "Proprietary Network Services";…

#SoftwareFreedom #Android #FDroid #AntiFeatures #NetworkServices


* Media Browser: folder-based media browsing
* Rush: search, view, save and share lyrics
* GlassDown: client for APKMirror
* Beans: a virtual scratchmap of the world
* OrgNote: notes like with Org Roam

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Spotlighting Some Accessibility Misconceptions Among Android App Developers… #Android #Accessibility

supposedly the #android 15 betas allow for BT-HID #braille displays to connect without having to use USB. Has anyone gotten this to work? I just tried it with a Mantis q40 and while the device is detected, when trying to connect it just says " failed to connect to [bluetooth_name_here], try again", so this does not quite appear ready for prime time. Makes sense given its a beta, just curious if its a pebcac issue

Another one back-to-back! Accrescent 0.22.0 is released to ensure Accrescent can always update itself, add a theme option to settings, and fix a bug related to preferred languages:…

#security #android #appstore #privacy #accrescent

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Birday – Birthday Manager accessible with minor issues… #Android #App

Not sure if I've talked about this here, but there are like, tons of stuff here. I'm gonna try that Linux distro through Crostini on my old ChromeBook that I don't do anything else with anymore. The VM's over the Internet are really cool too! The AT Museum is cool. And I'm curious to see if the Windows 2000/XP on **Android** works. That'd be trippy.

#accessibility #blind #AssistiveTechnology #Linux #gaming #TTS #VirtalMachine #foss #Android

Accrescent 0.21.0 is out with minor accessibility improvements, settings changes, and networking improvements.

Check it out and read the release notes below!…

#android #security #privacy #appstore #accrescent

The ElevenLabs Reader app, whose iOS counterpart has made a lot of noise in the visually impaired community, is coming to Android. If you go to the following link on your Android device, it displays a "coming soon" message, giving you the option to pre-register in order to have the app installed automatically as soon as it becomes available:…
#Android #Accessibility #ElevenLabs

Pred pár dňami sme vďaka @Zvonimir Stanecic a ďalším dobrovoľníkom zverejnili prvý slovenský ženský hlas pre #rhvoice. Hlas dostal aj pekné netradičné meno Jasietka. K dispozícii sú hlasy pre #Windows #nvdasr #android aj #linux . Aktualizácie sa zároveň dočkala aj celková podpora pre slovenčinu, vrátane už skôr zverejneného slovenského hlasu Ondro. Ak potrebujete #tts #textToSpeech k čítaču obrazovky, na čítanie kníh, inštrukcie pre GPS navigáciu, pozrite si prosím podrobnosti na jednoduchom webe.

Quite number of things have happened since I have mentioned my occassional usage of #emacS:
* @Termux is trying to update its compatibility with recent #android versions returning into the Google play in the process.
* speechd-el the app that acts as a built-in screen reader for emacs got some polishing and fixes recently.
* Touch and speech have recently released an update to Corvus, suite of assistive apps for #android that also feature great liblouis powered braille keyboard that can emulate alt, ctrl and shift keys allowing me to use emacs keybindings on the braille touch keyboard.
* I'm on holiday these days and I can benefit from having a screenreader accessible linux terminal with powerfull tools inside my pocket.

So here is a short article I wrote on the matter last week…