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I've noticed that sometimes people on here post replies as public posts, while others seem to post them as unlisted instead. Is there a particular rule/convention for this? #FediHelp
in reply to Mohamed Al-Hajamy 💾

I've read that unlisted is preferred because it prevents long threads from cluttering local/federated timelines. Interestingly, unlisted is not the default for replies in some (most?) clients, though. Personally, I try to remember to set unlisted unless I think the reply might be of interest to more people beyond my own followers; e.g. if it's useful information others might benefit or learn from.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Ah, didn't know that. I initially thought that replies would only be seen by the people they were directed at.
in reply to Mohamed Al-Hajamy 💾

@Mohamed Al-Hajamy💾 @Jamie Teh There are even some clients that don't allow changing visibility for individual posts e.g. #Friendica and the messages sent from there are either public or direct.