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The W3C publishing ethical web principles is like OPEC publishing ethical climate principles.

Who are the members of the W3C?

Facebook (Meta),

The W3C is the standards body of surveillance capitalism.

Ethical principles? W3C? Don’t make me laugh!

If they had any ethics they’d have expelled their most prominent members starting with Google and Facebook.

#w3c #BigWeb #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #ethics #PR

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

But, hey, I might be wrong and the #W3C now fully believes in its new ethical web principles. In which case, they will no doubt take action and expel members that only exist because their business model relies on violating them.

#Google is fundamentally incompatible with the W3C’s ethical web principles and should be expelled from the W3C as it relies on violating section 2.5 (The web must…respect people’s privacy).

Also, §2.2 (The web should not cause harm to society).

Ditto #Facebook, etc.