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Linux life hack: say you have a page open in Firefox on your Linux machine and you want to view it on your phone (and you don’t have some fancy integration between the two)…

Instead of typing in the URL, get the FxQRL extension that shows you a QR code of the current tab’s URL and aim your phone’s camera at it.

Boom! :)…

#linux #lifeHack #firefox #extension #web #QRcode #mobile #browser

in reply to Aral Balkan

I usually need it the other way round. If I searched stuff on my phone, I want to later read it on my desktop PC in detail.

The problem is, I don't have access to a camera there all the time.

Usually I take the route of syncing via notes app or something and delete the link later.

in reply to Aral Balkan

if you are using Firefox sync there is a tab in the new tab drawer on Firefox for Android that shows you tabs open on other devices.
in reply to Mostafa Hussein Omar

Am not. Wouldn’t either :) (I’ll use their browser as long as there isn’t a better one funded from the commons but I won’t be giving Mozilla, Inc., any of my data.)
in reply to Aral Balkan

you have to be in front of your computer with your phone nearby. I'm too lazy for this life :blobcat:
in reply to Aral Balkan

another option is to use KDE Connect (that works on Gnome or any linux DE. It is not tied to KDE plasma, it is just developed by their community)…

One of the features is sending and receiving URLs between your devices.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Aral Balkan

Ah, would you look at that, you do :) Nice. (I mean, as nice as anything related to Google can be in a greater sense.)

(That’s in Ungoogled Chromium, by the way, so apparently it works there also.)

in reply to Aral Balkan

You can also use your Firefox-Account. Click on your profile-pic, send tab to device, choose the phone. Done.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Just saying…
I love that feature and use it every day. I send tabs from smartphone to work PC and from work PC to private PC, from my windows partition to linux and everything else.
in reply to Aral Balkan

You can also use your Firefox-Account. Click on your profile-pic, send tab to device, choose the phone. Done.
in reply to Steffen Voß

Thanks, Steffen. But I do not have nor do I want an Firefox account. I have no intention of giving Mozilla Inc. any of my data :)
in reply to Pixelcode 🇺🇦

I should be but I’m using the Firefox that comes with Silverblue (with as many data collection points turned off as I could find) :)
in reply to Aral Balkan

or sign both devices into A Firefox account and use Send to device
in reply to Aral Balkan

my command line version: copy URL then: wl-paste | qrencode -t utf8