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Heard #GNOME are trying to replace #Cantarell with #Inter as their default #UI #typeface?

Would hate to see Cantarell go. It has great #character, and hits some really right spots in terms of #metrics and #hinting on medium #dpi

The venerable #DejaVu and #Liberation families never really looked right for me, (and neither did #Qt's font rendering under 1080p, FWIW) - but as far as #FOSS fonts go, #Cantarell on #720p-#1440p IPS is up there with what #Georgia and #Verdana were on #480p-#600p #CRT

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to loose cannon

Cantarell isn't maintained anymore, so unless someone volunteers, it's basically a necessity to switch.
in reply to Jamie :QueerCat_Trans:

To add to this: It might seem weird that a *font* needs to be *maintained*, but the font tech space has evolved a lot since the last time Cantarell recieved any serious updates. Inter supports fancy new OpenType features that would be very useful for GNOME, and Cantarell probably won't ever have these added. That happening would be an unnecessary duplication of efforts when Inter is already considered appropriate for usage by GNOME and has these.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)